its 1840 hrs and im going homeeeeeeeeee..hehhehe..seems a bit early..but everybodyyyyyyyyyyyy has gone back..i guess..since its a little bit unusual quite and dark too..a bit weird though for level63 ppl to go back early nowadays...not!!
im confusedddddd..
Am striking out
Sony Ericsson P800 from my wishlist..soooOoo disappointing..dahla mahal..
RM2699 (i checkd out @Sony Wings during lunchtime) fail..u know wat..the sales girl actually laughed @me when i asked her..err whers the stylus..hahahha..mane la aku tau tu dummy one.. :))
anyways..since i insist on seeing a working my disappointment..even the stylus tak cantik..somewhat like a transparent ice cream stick :( then its actually a phone cum personal organiser..but the very basic one.. yucks yucks for that price..gilerrrrrrrr..
mann..nak balik nak balik..
tomorrow am gonna surf for NOKIA 7650, looks promising and the price...jeng jeng jeng RM1559..hahahhaha..but again maybe gonna get phone, PDA separately.. oh wait let me check whether the PDA sifu has replied my question......
wow..he has..see told ya, his blog is a realtime answering machine.. anyways..
You haf to read from down to up..malas nak rearrange.. :)
nazley: But then ... the Treo600 is really tempting.
nazley: IMHO u r better off with a BlueTooth phone, a separate BT enabled PDA and a BT earpiece, and use the PDA as a "communicator".
nazley: PalmOS vs Symbian ... of course Palm lah!!
nazley: Didn't like the P800. mainly bcoz expensive MS-duo. Crappy stylus. The flip keypad also ugly lerr.
antusemut: TQ
antusemut: last one..need advise..which is get a smartphone wif all the fantastic features(is ther any?) or get separate..a good PDA plus a bluetooth fone?
antusemut: eh which do u prefer symbian based or palm based?
antusemut: the midst of checkin out ur entry on treo600 but tadi happened to lookd dissapointing..kiut but..wat do u think?
hmmmm..treo600...but bilerrrrrrrr dia nak sampai Malaysia..Hadiee keeps on saying..end of this fall..when is fon can't wait any longer..he's dying (my fon's name is Incik BoB)..
wahhhh..esokla esoklaa.I search and pk.. value for money is important maa..cau cincau