Friday, January 30, 2004

esok balik kg yeay yeay

Quiet and Comfort

*sigh* sangat penat dan sangat fening...

jus got back from an early lunch heheheheh..was actually in the clinic when a freind sms-ed ajak lunch skali since she's alone..checkin the time 1130 sumthin am, masih boleh terus gi lunch nih... besides mase tu berjuta juta owang masih tgh tunggu turnn..

i even nearly dozed off, the kerusi was comfy i tell you, and i was practically slouchin before a well-known member of our company came by and instead of just accepting my smile (a big one) she had to come over and 'handshaked' me..aisehhhhh... such a nice ladyy..too bad it was her last day today.. so i was told laa..

anyway the story here that i'll like to story is that.. my cough yg berkahak and the flu i got nih is playing games wif me..marah betul aku..IT HAS BEEN FOUR the time i went in to see the doctor, its as if i'm very the repetitious coughing, normal voice and i can breathe loud and clear... but by the time we said goodbyes (me to the doctor) just as i stepped out of the room, i coughed vigorously..mannnnn..slalu cenggituuu kan... i think the germs are afraid of the doctor and nurses and thats why they're hiding..chehhhh...

okayla i gtg sakit perut, tadi when i came up from lunch, a mug of tea (regular sized A&W mug hehehe) was alreadi prepared for me by a very nice colleague.. jap let me check the uncang.. its Peach & Passion fruit flavored black tea by Ahamd Tea.. i like very the muchh..veryyyy nice smell... but wat does it got to do wif my sakit perut you may ask.. ntahla..the tea la kot.. hehhehe

oh oh and to muslim frens, selamat hari raya n me siblings are going balik kampung tomorrow..and i do hope i remember to puasa tomorrow :))

cau cincau

psst: uhuk uhuk..i think i ter'sedekah' my moneylaaa to whom only god knows....uwaaaAAaa baru je keluarkan niat was to do some shopping during lunch.. pastu tetiba timbul kesedaran..heheh.. but now money takde baju baru pun takdeeee.. :( okayla2 actually sempat la beli sebarang dua..heheh but not using that moneyy..uwaaAAAaaa.. i guess it must haf tercicir mase i paid my lunch tadiii... oih well takde rezekii..yg ader tinggal bau duit baru tu jee..

okeh happy holidays everyone..

cau cincau again...

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Warning: Large Image aheaddd..sowii

hi theree :))

am in a pretty good mood rite now but for no apparent reason.. betull.. hehehehe.. yeah can call me crazy if you see me 'tersengih sengih' sorang sorang tadikk...

anyways since ive alredi had an entry for today, i'll just post a short one today..

a fren sent this...actually i asked him for some help on remote controlling users and this is what he replied:


I have to go now. Ada hal sket. Anyway, I let you know tmrw regarding you issue with the Remote Control.

Anyway, attached is also a tool u can use as a remote control.



and i believed him..mangkuk hayun betull..hehhehe

so make sure you look closely, its NO ordinary remote control.. *grin* no offence to guy frens eh


cau cincau

psst: found the link for the remote picture here

we haf new babies in town!!

babyyy babyyy cutenyeee

heheheh its 10 o'clock alredi!! and u know wat, it is very the very quiet up here... nobody has kacau-ed me yet .. rugi for in a kinda good mood..oh man, baru teringat i promised someone i'll check her PC sat lagi and that was like an hour pretty sure she'll bug me again karang..

anyways..the reason for my ehem ehem early entry today is that I haf a two new-baby congratulations shoutout!!!!!

the first one goes to:

Ja-a and wifey...congratulationssssssssss on your new born baby boy (yesterday petang) ..may the baby's tuah will get us a prize in the coming treasure hunt..hehehhe..psst psst: Ja'a will be the driver for our coming treasure hunt team..and boy he sure needs to learn how to slow down *grin*

and the next is for incik Roslan and wifey..this was a surprides for me..heheheh no wonder laaa he said he had to go-off by lunchtime yesterday (hint: he's one of the SAP expert that im working wif...) he said it was an emergency..hahahah mane la aku tauu.. ape2 pun..congratualtions!!!

and u guys know wot, both wifes are admitted to the same hospital!! on the same floor!! killing two birds wif one stone la nampaknye..hehhe that i meant for the visiting thingee... :)) too bad im not (not allowed actually) going.. my cough is getting worse :( and if i were to go pung they said i haf to be like 100m awayyyyyyyyyyy from the babies.. chehhhh

gtg somethins has came la deii..heheheh

cau cincau

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


hehehe *malu* *malu*

tak jadiklaa tak jadik letak lagu..*grin*..ive decided to add a background music laa..but only after listening back to the one yg kat aishah's blog.. simple plan rocks man.. *grin*

but am not inserting Simple Plan's song..

chosen song of the month by antusemut is Picture by Kid Rock feat. Sheryl Crow ON ur speakers!!

besstt especially part yg kid rock tarik I was off to drink you away fuhhhhh watever that is still power..heheheh

gtg gtg

cau cincau

Shaddap Just Shaddap Shaddap...

Shaddap Just Shaddap Shaddap...

at first i wanted to..

it did sounded cool for awhile..but then i decided not to insert any background music for this blogla..

me, mahself and I kinda got fed-up listening to the song go on and on and on and onnnn............. *sigh* eh no offence aa to the ones yg ader background music - example ifa, fashah *grin*

anyways the jukebox image stays..and if I happen to be rajin while bloging i'll change the songname following to what mySonique is palying @the moment..fair enough eh :)) oh btw currently Shut Up by Black eye Peas is playing..

Shaddap Just Shaddap Shaddap...
Shaddap Just Shaddap Shaddap...
Shaddap Just Shaddap Shaddap...

hmmm nuthin much to report today..kinda sloww.. well okla the truth, its slow plus a bit depressing...

mah team is actually preparing n testing on an upgrade for this one application.. aahh wot the heck..its SAP..we're upgrading to SAP6.20..oh silap silap, we're NOT just upgrading but HAVE TO or i think in btter words..force to UPGRADE...adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..or else as been told by the SAP ppl here that some things will NOT work after a certain date... only now they're telling us.. and nk this upgrade thingee cepat!! baka'

to make things worst, me being the SAP-illiterate-LANGSUNG-TAK-RETI-GUNA person am hafing problem troubleshooting the stupid thingee..the issues that we got doesn't make pattern..kejap ok kejap ko..banganggg...hehehehe..sowi got carried away..pls ignore me on this matter..

*sigh* am cracking mah brains esok je laa.. after this, ive got tons of blogs to read.. tgkla mydailyHop kat sebelah nun..mannnnn it is growing by the day..

adeiiii my cough is getting worse..oh yes ladies and gent, i'm suffering from a bad cough..kau kau punye.. cam nk terkeluar anak tekak aku.... :( sooOOo lazy to see the doctor..and im also thinkin wot if the doctor gives me an MC.. right now i got lots of work to do and i really really hate to see the MC get wasted..hehhehe

okayla im shutting up now

cya tomorrow bebeh

cau cincau

psst: the Shut Up song has finished pulak, now *cough* Keabadian Cinta - Anuar Zain *cough* is playing.. jgn gelak!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

aarghhhhh haf been busy since morning...walaupun inick mr boss takde tau :))

hmm bout this new layout..welllllll.. i think i like it..hauhauahuaaua..i know i know it sure is eye soring...nantilaa bile saya agak itu freelah, ill change the colors...

but a veryy veryy big thanks to all frens who haf commented especially the ones yg puji just to make me happy...hehehehheheh... mah frenns??!! the truth is very much welcomed..reallyyy nanti korang jugak yg sakit mataaa :))

okayla i gtg..its late alredii and i can sense a headache coming to attack me sometime soon *sigh*

ill try to update tomorrow, especially on some of the new stuffs i had bought ..hehehheheheh

oh oh..jap..guess who i met up wif during lunchtime tadikk..nooOOoo bukan artis laa..duhhhh...kak yannlaa..hehehe she's back from her maternity leave..cehh mcm sama je cuma minus the stuckout perut *grin* anyway she too can be considered a celebreti skang nih..she got into a magazine..go cehck it out Mama Moden - December issue..eheheheheh...

cau cincau

Sunday, January 25, 2004

nite nite

hi frennss..

gong xi gong xi.. :))

changed!!!..finally eh??!!! so waddya think? too greeny? welll, it did took me the whole day last thursday..mase cuti chinese new year... in between eating, sleeping n watchin all those fantastic chinese movies on TV. (I MISSED LESLIE CHEUNG..UWAAAaaaaaa).

anyway, wot i like to stress here is that..uwaaAAAaaa otak ku dah berkarat.. i did took a whole chunk of time just to understang the codings..oh btw Macromedia Dreamweaver rocks.. drag and drop wa cakap lu...amat tidak mencabar tapi sgt bagus..i bet it ccan do a lot of fab stuff..nantila one day when i haf the time..ceewaHHH :))

since its not that hard to do the changes, please please please let me know if i shud revert back to the original skin (if u still remember laa) or if that teruk, i'll ask ifa to get a nicer skin and help me customise it ..hehehhe... but if and only if this new one is casuing soreness to ur eyes..example: cant read properly, eyes swelling, getting watery when reading and the lot laa....the truth is that im not really quite sure how it looks like in other windows sbb ive only seen it on my notebook, not even yet tested on myPC kat ofis..hehehehe..cant wait thath long *grin* ...let me know eh? and im following this rule: DIAM TANDANYE SETUJU.. :p

btw im @home Perak..was actually back yesterday :)) cant sleep yet rite now..toooOOoo tired i guess..not really!! ive got tons of blogs to read!! heheh yeah im getting patheticier by the day..anyways, while im typing this away, my sister and my bro + gelfren are downstairs watching an old mirium yeung movie, something mommie dummies..apentah..well i did watch sekejap tadi and boy, she -Mirium Yeung sure is getting on my nerves..meng'irritatingkan' sungguh!! and to think of it, it was me, myself and I who actually bought that CD..aisehhhhh..

adeeiii i gtg, feel a bit mengantuk alredi.. hope i'll right something more informative (about my daily life..muahhahahahahh) tomorrow

cau cincau

Monday, January 19, 2004



i did a bad not-nice thing tadii :( i ter accidently marah on the phone a visitor-user who wanted help..camner?!!..well i didnt noticed pun my voice was raised..he said that I did and that made me even more he ..yes ladies and gents..its a HE.. sort of merajuk..wont even pick up my call (after i felt guilty la kan.. :p) yup i tried calling back using a frens fon, after one ring dia terus angkat..hahahhaha *biatch* no offence aa nani and apis if ur reading this..

so now im actually still kinda in a guilty state.. well i prefer hafing good terms wif everyone what.. he did say he will call me tomorrow..since he absolutely implied indirectlyle that he DO NOT WANT to talk to me today.. well its NOT my fault sayin he's name wrongly..i forgot..

tahape hapekan..i called him TWICE tau after the bad thing i did, to A-P-O-L-O-G-I-Z-E.. adeiiii.. takpe if he doesnt call me tomorrow..i'll CALL him!!..ceewahhhh.. mcm pujuk boifren je...muahahahah.. nahhh ntah2 ill be busy tomorrow and will compltely forget bout this shit.. :)) uwaaaAAaaa i do hope so cos i really hate it when i make someone terkecik hati..adeiiii..

im blaming it on PMS *grin* jus this once laa :) everyone plsss stay away (temporarily!!) from antusemut!! u've been warned!!

okayla i gtg

oh btw frens, ges wot, my sister pun dah ader blog.. as normal practise ehem ehem ifaalyana raised her magic wand, did some jampi serapah and whola, pls meet dotkiut's blog. :)) thanks ifa mauhahaha..sowi adikku i just had to inform everyone how broken ur english is.. hehehehe...ive NOT linked her officially yet since she didnt actually say yess but i don think she'll mind when i do..... :))

hmmm..another member of the family joining the blogging thingee..hahah kinda felt weird and a bit pathetic.. but we dont care kan adikku..muahahahhaha .

see ya tomorrow..if im not busy making the phone call :))

cau cincau

p/s to the man stated above: if you happen to stumble upon this humble blog (heyy taht ryhmes..eheh) in the future (hope NOT!!) ..I AM VERY VERY SORRY!

hi there..

date: 17 January 2004
time: 18:10pm
offline mode


halloooOO has been a while since i powered up this notebook...well actually had to sbb my t610 dah penuh filled wif pictures which are not even mine..thanks to ifa n ja'a..heheheheh..anyway the bad thing that i dont like bout T610 is that it has no memory expansion slot, memory cards ke...SOny konon..chehh..dah laa givn free space pun kecik..*sigh*

hmmm serius lecehla bile ur notebook tarak itu bluetooth..i haf to like level it very betul2 to transfer the pics .. i mite consider getting the bluetooth portable/usb thingee tuu..

talkin bout transferring the pic..i considered mahself lucky sbb wif T610 it is very very very easy to transfer the pics from your phone to ur need third party long as you haf either infrared or blutooth capability..ur just a few clicks away..what? PC to phone?? that lagii la sonang.. :))

anyway a fren of mine needs help. anybody out there knows how to transfer pics from Nokia 7650 to PC/Notebook? they (husband n wife maa) need to know fastt..i bet gambar baby idlan byk dlm tuh :)) anybody??!! let me know eh.. and also for Nokia 7250...thank youuuuu..

i gtg..need to checkout my baju for the punjabi wedding tonite :))

cau cincau

Friday, January 16, 2004


weeeee esok cutiiii

aaarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally im able to touch my preciousssssssssssss (hehehe finally i get to make use of that stupida line..)

*sigh* been doing some problem-solving n troubleshooting since morning..nope since yesterday actually!!! and me being the PEMALAS, didnt bring along my notebook..yong baka' baka' hehehehe dh lama dah i left it untouchd at home...nak main game pun malas since thers so many goody programmes on TV *grin*

anyays, ther were actually two outsiders beside me since morning, so i was kinda off limits to do unwork-related stuffs on my PC..susah gilerr..asyik kena kerjaaa..cant even peek at any blogs..hehehehheh..

they just went backk nih *sigh* i shud haf shoo-ed them much much earlier :))

okayla i better go.. ifa's waiting at KFC..nyum nyum..

oh and thanks farah for naming my fish @the office ni ha ..he (ehem ehem) is now officially called PAIBOON :))

note to gaban: dh besar panjang dah this supposedly-belongs-to-you fish nih :p

*antsy grin* am signing off wif a sort-of sadis joke i got fwdwd to :)) bosses yg jahat tu, pls dont dont be merely pasting je nih..

here goess..


A guy phones up his boss, but gets the boss' wife instead.

Wife : "I'm afraid he died last week." she explains.

The next day the man calls again and asks for the same boss.

Wife : "I told you ......" the wife replies, "he died last week! "

The next day he calls again and repeated his request to speak to his boss. By this time, the wife is getting upset and shouts:

Guy : "Because..." he replied laughing, " I just love hearing it......"


o_O told ya it was a bit sadis

haf a nice weekend frens

cau cincau

Thursday, January 15, 2004

whats up..??!!!

wats up, doc!

aiyoooOOOoooo so very the bz la this week.. isk isk.. until when? i haf no idea..i wish this 'busy' ness can end rite now..abracadabra ala kazaaAAAAmm...

*antusemut 'ter'woke up from dreaming*

am sure am dreaming *sigh*

anyways since i mite also dont haf the time to blog tomorrow..( very unlikely la kan *grin* but im telling anyways) ..yours truly nih is looking forward to two interesting events this weekend:

1. A PUNJABI wedding

actually I don't even know whos getting married...its my fren's fren's wedding...heheheh..a 'tag-a-long'er as alwayss :)) wahhh bet there will be dancing... BOTH hands up my frens.. bangraaAAAAaaa.. comfirm musti meriah punye..i hope laa..


2. Treasure HUnting back in the hunting business although tak pernah menang *grin* weeEEEEllll, it doesn't really joining for the sake of funnnNNnn..NOT..i wanna win the prizessssssss... i wanna be on the winners podium..i want i want i wantttttttttt...


what was that? hahahaha...yeah sort of excited..lama siot tak masuk.. so this will be kinda a warm-up since we'll be joinin another hunt next month (tell bout that later later laa)

ohh did I tell you guys that this time its freeEEEeeee..yeehhaaaAAaaa without even a blink I said YES..hahahhahahha..

but the bad thing is we are expected to be ther early in the morning!! ther goes my SUndayyy and Spongebob!!.. adeiiiii..

psstt i just found out that we're be along side the blue riders..wooOOOwww bleh cuci mata..hahahha

okla i gtg


cya when i cya n dont forget to wish me luck :))

cau cincau

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

i worked on Tuesday...

may peace be on earth

bz bz bzzzzzzzzzzzzz



nuthin much to report today though :))

hmm maybe a short reviewlaa...

ive watched Gold Creek Manor......welllllllllllllll it was kinda dissapointing since it did lined up Sharon Stone and Dennis Quaid... for once i was hoping to see ghosts..hehheheh.. anyways i think Sharon Stone looked pretty in this movie..compared to Basic Instinct and Sliver *grin*

what? oh hehehhe okay how was the movie? hmmm..there were some thrilling parts..but the ending kinda sucks..and and i did remembered 'ter' scream once or twice but thats about it laa.. antusemuts vote? just half a thumb.. not NOT recommended but definitely a can watch-later-on-disc movie

ok am signin off now..cya tomorrow

cau cincau

Monday, January 12, 2004

not havin monday blues todayy :))

hi frensss..

how was ur weeknd? mine was greattttttttt :))

two good frens came by on Saturday and brought me mee curryyyyyyyyy.. actually not really a fan of mee curry but this one..sodappppppppppp wa cakap luuuu.. nyum nyumm.. had a blast sampai mlm.. wish we could do that slalu eh?? thank youUUuu gaban n yanti :))

aarrghhhhhhhhhh 8TV is killing meeEEee, i cant seem to take my eyes off the tv i haf to like think a few times before agreeing to do just abouot anything..hehehheheh...

anyways did manage to get my butt off the katil to go and support Malaysia's Hockey team yesterday..perghhhhhhhhh i still think they played badlyy (as usual) no offence but they did..luckily we drew wif India..

babyyy: we chickened out saying this: ah boooOOOooon, maria luvs uuu out loud *grin* online pun okay kot??? penat tau aku sokong si ah boon, since thats the only player yg i know besides the Raj brother..errr i kinda stop liking them after the MAxis ad.. they sounded a bit sissy, dont they..muka je hemsem..rugii rugiii

okayla i gtg.. my bosses dh tanyer tadi, apsal tak balik lagii..if they only knew.....hehehhehe

oh but..kejap an announcement..ahemmmmm..


PaRty PlaNner

party-planner anyone???

anybodyyyy out ther planning for partys (e.g. new year party, engagement, housewarming, birthday partys....) but have a headache thinking bout pressies (as well as for ur guests?? well fret no more.... coz Merry's in da house :))) go here and read for details


don forget to checkout K. Merry's site :))

cau cincau

Friday, January 09, 2004

sale! sale!

women and sales :))

someone seems to be hafing mixed mood a bit moody during lunchtime just now *sigh*

you see, yours truly lovess buying stuff ...her hand gets itchy when seeing something she likes..well... it turned out that here in Suria, SALES are evrywherrrrrrrrr, betul adiikku SALE!!!

somehow she got confused and felt so depressed seeing ppl wif plastic bags..aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh..she cried out and said to herslef: wher did all these ppl get the money to buy stuffs nih??!! wher as i, antusemut can't buy stuffs that i want (read: any stuff") ..uhuk uhuk..why is that so, you may ask...uwaaaaAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa bcos she's alredi broke..she had gone spending her money rite after getting last months paycheck... padan muka ko yong!!!

heheh manela aku tau, i forgot to compute about chinese new years sale..lupa maaa..

anyway am okay now, after clearing my head ....i'll not die not buying stuffs..hehehhe

oh and a big congratulations to shaz n amar on their wedding...finally.. :)) saw their wedding pictures and man.. shaz looks different..cantikkkkkkkkk *grin*

n another congrats goes to a fren of mine who got a new baby daughter err last month (he just told me sat tadi) - Sofea Shamsul Amin..heheheh actually i forgot the full name..takpe nex week i'll ask again..

am signing off now, penat bekerja dah nih :))

haf a nice weekend frens

cau cincau

Thursday, January 08, 2004

oh well...


haf been blog-reading since one o'clock...hehhehehe.. seriusly am NOT on diet..(yet)..not that i know off (my diet plans, if any)..oh well..

actually, a fren who was supposed to treat me for lunch cancelled our appoinment...mangkuk hayun..marah betul akuu!! i even askd him "takut bini ko marah ke??" wahahahhahahah....althou i made it sound as if im jokin but actually i really meant it...nyeh nyeh nyeh yup i can be very mean..teruk betull kan.. and that ladys and gentlements, actually made me malas to go for lunch...confirm by 4 my stomach will be growling like crazy *grin* oh btw (his excuse) the fren had to go back to the office..and he'll pay for that!! i'll be 'pow'ing him lagi teruk nanti....hehehhe

*sigh* haf been bz lately..heheheh it has been awhile that im into my workk..normally the excuse will be ---> takde mood..and boy I yam moody these days but only during office hours, work-related laa..i just get easily pissed off wif ppl.. i hate it when ppl answer my question wif "i donno la...."..WTF.. mmg nak kena duku..and i haf a meeting wif them at 3 oclock nih!! malassnyeEEEeee and shaitt..i hope i wont be a biatch..

i doo jaga my hmmm wat u call that errr reputation (of being a nice and sweet ehem ehem lady) .. heheh i think tahts a tad bit too late.. yeah my colleagues aroun me alredi knows that i'm one very garang-and-kelam-kabut-and-get mad-easily person.. but i think they are alredi immune to my rant.. darn?!!..normally those times i'll be IGNORED...terukkan depa nih... muahahhahahaha.. but other ppl..muahahhahah..they're sure gonna get a piece of my alredi shitty mind sooner or later..oh well.. i do need to change ...*sigh*

okayla i gtg need to think some work...

oh btw a shoutout to donna: nice meeting ya bebehh! psst psst: shes sure is one cool and hot chick mommy!! *grin*

cau cincau

Tuesday, January 06, 2004



saya fening arinihhh..

adeiiii i hate it when im stuck at what im doinnn.. not that kinda stuck..stuck in terms of blank, clueless and dah takde ideaa *sighh*

and then to make things worse ther seems to be something wrong wif google today and its makin me haf an even badder headache...adeeii adeiii

anybody can help me here??


I want to automatically uninstall this one program but i can't find the uninstaller. haf alredi asked the so-called experts and they hafnt come back yet..*sigh* so the only thing i can think of at the moment is to sort of create a batch file that will delete directories and alll subdirectories & files residing in it. I know of this deltree command but i sort of cant simulate it on my windows 2000 PC.. its gifing me this msg:

'deltree' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

arrghhhhhhhhhh buduss betul

anybody know of any other commands to do the above? let me know eh?

hahahahhahahahahah..thank god..i just got a reply eMail from the expert and it seems to be the answer... that means hopee...yeyyyyyyyyyy...will try that first thing tomorrow morning..duhhhh its alredi 6pm! no way hose im goin back in the lab..malaaAAAsssss!!

okayla am signing off..

yeyyyy takyah pk dah for the time being.. eh but still anybody who knows of any other commands besides deltree or maybe can enlighten me wif the correct way to use the deltree command let me know eh... thanks!

cau cincau

Monday, January 05, 2004

30 hari Mencari Cinta...



heheheh this is my second posting for the day.. its alredi after 5 what!!! :))

anyways, guess wot new CD i was listening to?? correcto!!

------> Sheila on 7: 30 hari Mencari Cinta

hihihi it has been playing since morning.. not actually mine..okay okay its not mine at all...but yup u mite haf guessed..pirated copy..hish apelaa nk jadik ngan kawan aku nih??!!

yeah pirated CDs much much cheaper kan kan kan??

i was actually looking for it high n lo yesterdayyy kt sunway.. either dah abish ataupun mahal RM40 - 45 gilerr apee??!!! oh but for anyone whos looking i did saw on Saturday kat music store near TGV in One Utama tu..selling for RM33:90..beli belii..i wanted to buy but unfortunately mase tu cash tarak :(

im absolutely 100% getting the original copy..kot *grin* .. true supporter of SO7 ma..yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy bravo yong bravo!!!

aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sheila on 7 is coming to town!!!! read this:

excerpt taken from Shiela News:


Menurut rencana Sheila on 7 akan membuka konser Incubus di Merdeka Stadium Kuala Lumpur pada tanggal 16 Maret 2004 nanti. Mudah-mudahan rencana ini bisa terlaksana dengan baik. Saat ini pihak Sheila Management sedang melakukan negosiasi dengan promotor penyelenggara acara tersebut. Ahh... wish you were here... (777)


aarghhhh camana camane..incubus and S07 in one goin ga ga over this..ehhehehehe

oklay frens i gtg

but before that...this new Sheila on 7 (Soundtrack) CD is a cow cow wa cakap lu.. besstttttttt..4 new songs!! and a few remixes (made the songs even bester) at this moment track 5 err jap Menyelamatkanmu is my fav :))

cau cincau

its lunchtime!!


heheh and i'm not goin out ...defnitely NOT on diet..truth: had a big breakfast this morning.. and since i haf the time, ive decided to blog as usual..see frens (esp gaban and ina inot), its all about using ur free time wisely, learn from me!! :P

hmmmmm... wot shall i ramble about on this fine day..

i loveeeeEE john woo :)) his movie(s) that is..don't u guys go on believing all those stupida movie critics..PAYCHECK was awesomeeeeeeeeee!!..hehhehe..not that im pro ben affleck (not at all!!) was a bit tahape hape but a shud watch movie :)) the only true part the critics were saying is the chemistry part between ben and uma thurman..errrrrRRrr.. but it was still worth the gifing a thumbs up..

but but compared to these other two movies Anna in KungFu-Land and Sounds of Colors..

they sucks bigtime..*sigh* wher haf all those good cantonese movies gone too :( pls pls dont watch..serius it was that bad!!

the only conclusion i can come up wif is that MIRIUM YEUNG sucks!! no offence to her fans (if any) she will never be able to copy SAMMI CHENG..never ever ever i tell you!!

i gtg, am listening to a new CD.. so far so gooOOOd..i'll let u know sat lagii :))) in the meantime as promosed, i need to find a free image editor for cik ifa..

cau cincau

Friday, January 02, 2004


what do u call someone who's printing some stuff - work! and talkin on the phone and havin online conversation (*cough* chatting *cough*) all at the same time??

bingo!! a baka'..and that woud be yours and me and me!!

becos of that i had wasted the companies resources -----> precious paperssssssssss!!!! actually i'm more concerned wif the trees..ewaahhhhh?!! *grin*

yup wasnt thinking clearly kot when i pressed PRINT jus now... went to the printer room like an hour later to pick up wat i had printed...and guess what i found... a thick stack of papers..and its very very very thick..oops!!! tak sengaja...psst psst i wanted to print a list of some registry entryy..heheheh was a tiny bit lazy nk salin n i thot sket je...

anyways..lantak pi laa..luckily somebody actually stopped the process halfway..(guess a bit too late)..hehehehhe

added another new years resolution: Check WHAT u want to print before pressing the PRINT button!!

talkin bout new didnt do much..more of nothing at all *grin* actually ter dose off just a few minutes before countdown..sedar2 over already *sigh*

see i am getting older..

oh well gtg

haf a nice weekend frens

cau cincau

oh btw, DONT watch DEAD END.... it scared the shit out of me...naturally *grin* ..yeah i thot so it will end that way.. pi a tgk but don complain i didnt warn u guys..