Tuesday, March 13, 2007

im sick :(

im sick
i feel sick
my bone feel sick
isk isk

i feel cold all over
and no its not the aircon
ive asked around
everyone seems to feel fine

just now
we had a status updte meeting
i cant think
let alone speak out
i was sort of freezing
im pretty sure i was hit by a brainfreeze also.. hehhee
it idnt help even when one of them sms-ed soemthing about curry
made me even more hungry
heyyy that rhymes
im getting pretty good at spontanoues rhyming these days
see i told u im sick

and now ive got a splitting headache.. to boot



insyaAllah sakit ini akan menghilangkan dosa-dosa kecil ku..aaminnn

take care frens
i still got a few things to do
then im off

demm its already 8
was planing to buy groceries tapi malasssssssss
but me dad is coming over esok
isk isk
tengokla karang

catch ya guys later
wish me well
cau cincau

Monday, March 05, 2007

please leave a comment after the beep

after nearly 400 posts only now im enabling the comments box isk isk
actually i cant remember what messagebox i was using

it will do for now

yeah ive faced it before.
i wanted to comment on something (which i rarely do) and i cant find a single section to leave it
ceewahh bunyi sangat poyo eh

bye for now
cau cincau

Saturday, March 03, 2007


checkout my new template!!
i hate it!!!!
tak sengaja
isk isk
i was testing out the new blogger feature
and mungkin sebab sangap (was in the office the whole night, working and still am) i somehow made the new template permanent and forgot to save the old settings
after salvaging my noteook, below is the only thing left
a sangat small and ciput thumbnail image of the green blog

isk isk
what shud i do???
i want the old one bag

isk so mengade ngade la this antusemut
ill figure out something
i know i know
its about time for the layut change anyways
except that no sumber ilham for me to come up with a new which i like
self satisfaction priority okay..heheh so poyo di sini eh

okla wish me luck
kalau rajin and ader mase ill come up or at least enhance this new layout

kalau tak this will ahve to do for the time being

take care frens
cau cincau