Wednesday, December 08, 2010


im so stressed right now.
my body hurts (smlm jatuh basikal mcm superman)
and paling penting im hungry!!!!

my bos is supposed to get his bos' signature and asked me to wait, be on standby in case got question. so i waited, waited, waited some more and still waited (since lunchtime!!) and now im not sure if he wanted me to get the signature sendiri ke apa

seriusly im pissed.
yes my boss is cool, so ppl say
but its drviing me crazyyy!!!
we're not on the same wavelength
he's hard to talk to always in meeting and it doesnt help of me hating to be in the new building!!!!

this is all i can do
^$(*$)@&$)&@_$*!@+_@)(+)@ $+$(@+$@(+$_@*$@+*@

i feel much better

Update: my boss is not bad. I just need to take it easy :)