Thursday, January 15, 2004

whats up..??!!!

wats up, doc!

aiyoooOOOoooo so very the bz la this week.. isk isk.. until when? i haf no idea..i wish this 'busy' ness can end rite now..abracadabra ala kazaaAAAAmm...

*antusemut 'ter'woke up from dreaming*

am sure am dreaming *sigh*

anyways since i mite also dont haf the time to blog tomorrow..( very unlikely la kan *grin* but im telling anyways) ..yours truly nih is looking forward to two interesting events this weekend:

1. A PUNJABI wedding

actually I don't even know whos getting married...its my fren's fren's wedding...heheheh..a 'tag-a-long'er as alwayss :)) wahhh bet there will be dancing... BOTH hands up my frens.. bangraaAAAAaaa.. comfirm musti meriah punye..i hope laa..


2. Treasure HUnting back in the hunting business although tak pernah menang *grin* weeEEEEllll, it doesn't really joining for the sake of funnnNNnn..NOT..i wanna win the prizessssssss... i wanna be on the winners podium..i want i want i wantttttttttt...


what was that? hahahaha...yeah sort of excited..lama siot tak masuk.. so this will be kinda a warm-up since we'll be joinin another hunt next month (tell bout that later later laa)

ohh did I tell you guys that this time its freeEEEeeee..yeehhaaaAAaaa without even a blink I said YES..hahahhahahha..

but the bad thing is we are expected to be ther early in the morning!! ther goes my SUndayyy and Spongebob!!.. adeiiiii..

psstt i just found out that we're be along side the blue riders..wooOOOwww bleh cuci mata..hahahha

okla i gtg


cya when i cya n dont forget to wish me luck :))

cau cincau

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