nite nite
hi frennss..
gong xi gong xi.. :))
changed!!!..finally eh??!!! so waddya think? too greeny? welll, it did took me the whole day last thursday..mase cuti chinese new year... in between eating, sleeping n watchin all those fantastic chinese movies on TV. (I MISSED LESLIE CHEUNG..UWAAAaaaaaa).
anyway, wot i like to stress here is that..uwaaAAAaaa otak ku dah berkarat.. i did took a whole chunk of time just to understang the codings..oh btw Macromedia Dreamweaver rocks.. drag and drop wa cakap lu...amat tidak mencabar tapi sgt bagus..i bet it ccan do a lot of fab stuff..nantila one day when i haf the time..ceewaHHH :))
since its not that hard to do the changes, please please please let me know if i shud revert back to the original skin (if u still remember laa) or if that teruk, i'll ask ifa to get a nicer skin and help me customise it ..hehehhe... but if and only if this new one is casuing soreness to ur eyes..example: cant read properly, eyes swelling, getting watery when reading and the lot laa....the truth is that im not really quite sure how it looks like in other windows sbb ive only seen it on my notebook, not even yet tested on myPC kat ofis..hehehehe..cant wait thath long *grin* ...let me know eh? and im following this rule: DIAM TANDANYE SETUJU.. :p
btw im @home Perak..was actually back yesterday :)) cant sleep yet rite now..toooOOoo tired i guess..not really!! ive got tons of blogs to read!! heheh yeah im getting patheticier by the day..anyways, while im typing this away, my sister and my bro + gelfren are downstairs watching an old mirium yeung movie, something mommie dummies..apentah..well i did watch sekejap tadi and boy, she -Mirium Yeung sure is getting on my nerves..meng'irritatingkan' sungguh!! and to think of it, it was me, myself and I who actually bought that CD..aisehhhhh..
adeeiii i gtg, feel a bit mengantuk alredi.. hope i'll right something more informative (about my daily life..muahhahahahahh) tomorrow
cau cincau
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