Monday, September 29, 2003

grrrRRRrr marahnyeeeeei

yong is sulking (mad actually..) bcos PERAK fc failed to be in the finals for PIALA MALAYSIA 2003 *^$(@)*^($@^)*$@&

Friday, September 26, 2003

i yam very bz (but lazyy) today

bored boreddd

------------------------yesterdays story------------------------

yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... am getting back my turned out that the kipas memang a goner..not yetlaa but soon hahahhhahaha.. well actually ill still have to bare wif the noise until they get the sare part..anyhoo ive asked the dangerousity level..and they said it was okay..scary case explodeeeeeee ...mane tauu..

uwaaaaAAAAaaaa they just called back..the person who was actually in charge told that both the fan and the harddisk needs to be replaced..sooOOOoo that's it yong...say goodbye weekendto ur notebook ..i think most probably ill be getting it nex week..hopefully.....thers like a million files in ther..o'o errrrrr lemme think..yeah its watsoever not-good files inside..i think ive deleted all those red yellow blue files... hahahhahahahahah

--------------------------------todays story--------------------------------

morninnnnnnnnnn..didnt manage to post the above entry maa :p..and obviously as of today, the notebook still NOT wif me :((

still yam bz...ko nih lembab a yong..wellllllll i hate documnetations..uwek uwekk..feel like throwin up..i haf to finish the manual by today nih...Monday mornin nak guna dah..adeiiiiiii..

walau ape pun yg terjadik (no matter what..hehehhe), im still going back home this Saturdayyyyy...wuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. Taman Dinding here i comeeeeeeee.. :))


cau cincau

Thursday, September 25, 2003


hhehehe jus got in the ofis..ngantukkkkkkkk gileeeEErrr..

anyways...jus had to share this wif u..hehehheh..u mite haf seen it but i jus got the fwded eMail *wink*




YOU MIGHT FIND THIS VERY INTERESTING.. (i diddddddd hehehhehe)

Note: image removed (on 210504) due to copyrights issue (i guess).. anyways heres the link if you hafnt seen it:

Research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple
because they do not have prior memory associated with such scenario.

What they will see are the nine dolphins.

Additional note:
This is a test to determine if you already have a corrupted mind.
If it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 3 seconds,
your mind is indeed corrupted"


hmmm i did saw what i'm supposed to see.. which is.....

:)) gtg nk start keje a few minits i got another stupid meeting nih wher i mite get shot kot ..:P

cau cincau

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

pls take good care of my notebook



finally had to let go of my notebook..temporarily.... masuk workshop dahh..*sob* *sob* missed the damn box alrediii.....
had to laa..the noisee comin out of it was terrible and scaryyyyyyyy....reported the incident this afternoon taken alrediii..actually the repairmen ( ppl) came by this morning....but i said noooOOOOoo (exaggerate je nih)...made an excuse saying that i need to copy some files..blahhhh..trang tang tang depan mata i haf my pc..wcich is so fuckin slow but at least it workss... *hint*" am gettin a new PC nex helps to haf some connections nih..muahhahahahhahaha actually at mimi's place nih...she's bz gifing justification why she came in late to the office..hahahhaha padan muka..wellll..she created the system..ooppss... hmm if la kan i haf to give mine (my boss tak pester lagi)i haf alredi the perfect justifications in mind...

yong's justification: "pls refer to shahrina's justification"

hihihihii my boss confirm will not accept that....well...most mornings i hitched wif her what..unless im later than her or vice versa...:p

o'o mimi is complaining dah..she just said "confirm nih can't justify all..too muchh"

mampus akuuu...mine alsoooooooOOoo..pls pls boss don't ask me to justify..aminnn

oklaa im shutting off getting bored nihh.... can't wait to do my work mlm nih..NOT?!!!

cau cincau

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

selemat pagi cikgu


yup im a teacher todayy..muahahha.. thers even an expert ther..buat malu aku je ngajar..dh la we're doin the trainig in our so-called lab..which means a bit kecik and resources sket..thers only four pairs ..i mean (pc + server) * 4

btw i haf 15minits before the class starts..

nantila i report on wats happening and wats not :))

cau cincau

Sunday, September 21, 2003

fening fening

on this fine sunday afternoon..guess wher I am?? uwaaaAAAAaaaaaaaaa kt ofiss lee mane lagii..hafnt been in the ofis during the weekends for quite some time..

anyways..sat lagi im off to haf dinner la kot..pastu coming right up..dahh tak siap keje camner..hehhehe

nak muntah dah nihh.. smlm slept @4:30am. was helpin my bro's gelfren to "nicen" or more likely revamp her website (due this wednesday!). seeEEEeeee im niceee..hehehhehe

this workload aa making me crazylaaa..even had to cancel plans to go to jb for dak's wedding todayy.. :(

oh but managed to go to Kin's wedding lastnight..she was beautifulllllll..actually i nearly cancelled out but for sure gaban will kill me if i do.the truth was that i was sooOOOo pening that nite..nk muntah pun basically at Kin's wedding my alertness level was down to 75% and i was speaking gibberish nearly in 75% of my conversation..ah wat the heck..mauhahahahah..

jus got back from err early dinner..had spaghetti kat warung@level 4..not baddd..

am watching too fast too furious sat lagi...hope i won't fell head aderla spinning2x once in awhile..

cau cincau

and to gaban: sabar sabar... :)) easy for me to say eh..

Thursday, September 18, 2003


adeeiiiiii keje tak siap lagiiiiiiiiiiii...PADAN MUKA KO YONG.SERVES U RIGHT.always last minute.. hehhehe..started membebel to my own self....:p

okla since ive got work but still wanna leaving this pic i got in one of my forwarded mails..oldddddddd mail..just opened..hehheheheh

btw i got it here

sanders_ad.jpg (74685 bytes)

cau cincau

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

fening feningg..

my notebook dh bunyi shutting it off now..lettin it rest for a few hours..heehhee but not before i publish my entry last nite :p



15 September 2003

aiyoooOOOoo i still hafnt finish my work..a presentation is coming up this wednesdayyyy...uwaaaAAAaaaa...alredi i can feel the butterflies in my stomach...

yeah as told in my one of my post, i sux @doin presentation..big time nye sux.. :( never can be in the marketing line...hehehhehe..i prefer buying than selling..tried (i mean tryin to convince ppl) ---> FAILED miserably..

anyway i hope i wont embarass mahself nanti..wish me luck :))

talkin bout embarasee...hehehhe... dropped by @hush puppies tadi to get a new pair of insoles (for my shoes, duhh) verryyyyy confidently (n sgt eksyen) asked the nice lady @the counter,

"One server console"

while pointing directly @the stuff i wanted..

hhehehe.. antusemut baka' baka'..wat were u thinkin..

nway i think she didnt understand pun..but she did correct me..cehhhhhhhhh... as if i didntt know :p

Monday, September 15, 2003


i need a holidayyyyy!

that was easyy..posted my weekend post using ye i know pathetic..takde inetnet connection pun still nk blog.. :p

anyways am gonna be a bit bz arinih..uwaaaaAAAaaa..didnt manage to do anythin @home during the weekend..*antusemut very lazyyy*..bad girl errr


work work

another one

Sun, 14 September 2003

oh my oh myyyyyyyyyyy..guess wats on Channel 9 @this moment: UEFA Football Awards 2003 in Monaco !!!!!!!! thank god i glimpse @the tv screen just now..

aduh aduh aduh..checkout the footballers...i was like shriekinggggggggg when they are on screen.hensemnyeeeeeeeeeeeeee...omigod they're gorgeous especially when in suits..*antusemut is awestruck and still is... these guys can be in a filmmmm..cair cair..oh mann im so easy to please..muahahhahahah


ok im going ga-ga overthis..

heyyy i saw edgar davis.wifout his glasses or watever u call it the one yg he usually wears during games..hmmm this is interseting..

am shutting off my notebook for good for here maa..besides i need to learn the correct pronounciations of these clubs.. :P

cau cincau


Sat, 13 September 2003

Its 11:42pm..and im alone @home..scared? not yet i think.hehhehehehe..

ive been in and out TWICE (both times pulak tu pigi OU) but still takde org balik lagii..wherla did they gooOOoo..o'o does that mean i don't haf a nite life..o)

..hmm..i can hear footsteps and door closing..donnola which lady yg dah balik..could be either her or her..not gonna check in dot dot..mind u i haf a very high imagination..

watched IDENTITY tadiiiii..bes gileeeeeeeeeeerrr..noooOOOOoo am NOT @all biased bcos my favorite actor is in it....the truth is that initially i did actually watched it sbb John Cusack. !...hihihihi..n even in the middle of the story..i was goin like..citer apa ini??!!.but then towards the end..everything makes sense pulakkkkkkk..terus the citer becomes a good one..ingredient cukup ma..okla tuuu..antusemut is gifing IDENTITY a thumbs up jugakkkkkk :))

hmm..ive always wanted to compile my fav actors..hehhehe..i think im gonna do it now and list it here just for record goes:

John CUsack
Leslie Cheung
Anita Yuen
SAmmi CHeng
Andy LAu
Louis Khoo
Stephen Chow
The macho Japanese actor in GTO Sorimachi Takashi

The power of the GEN-X/Y Cops..hehehe

Edison Chen
Sephen Fung
Daniel Wu

Ako Mustapha
The cutee Korean actor tu.. (ala the rich guy in Autumn in my Heart or is it Winter Sonata) Won Bin
hidetoshi nakata
Jordan Chan a.k.a chicken
Richie Ren (but ONLY in Summer Holiday and Condor Lovers)
Azhar Sulaiman (newly added after watching 3R..hehehhe)

adeiiii am hafing fav-actor block pulak @the moment..i cant even recall the names...*sigh* nevemind i'll be adding the names once in awhle..i better put a link to this entry..muahahhahahahah..seriusly i feel a little bit pathetic..:p

okla okla..ngantuk to the max even lyin on my bcak as im typin this..

nite nite

Thursday, September 11, 2003

move it football head

vroooOOmmm vrooOOoommm

though i dont do much driving..NONE @all actually :)) hehehe (but i do have a drivers license mind u)

i love cute and vintage looking cars. how i wish i can own one, basically to show-off le ape lagi.. tapi apakan daya..ku tak mampuuu :( yet heheh :)))

actually i just watched Italian Job (the remake)... predicted by my sista..i love giler..though not as best as Pirates of the Carribean..but still.......... THUMBS UP from antusemut

and apparently they still used MINI Coopers but this time using the new MINIs..cute gileerrrrrrrrrrrrr..very tough looking..lots of jumpin like very muchh..

and and u know wat, they've alredi came out wif a PS2 game for the MINIs in Italian JOb..power gilerrrrrrrr..

last time during the era of PSone i used/like to watch my brother play the car games -----> Need for Speed and Driver kind of games and also stratgey games and also fighting games and also the simple bust-a-move game and and..okay okay thats a different story...:p

back to the cars..yupp i also love all JAGS (both vinatge n new models, as long as its a JAG *wink*), ASTON MARTINs (checkout the Bond movie, i think ader dlm BAd Boys 2 jugak); X5 Beemer, and all those nice lookings 4 wheelers.. errr the black one hmmm the silver one and the red one..really sowii i donno the name but...

heyy i know im not good wif car names but i do know a good one when i see one..ceewahhhhhhhhhh

gtgla fening kepala some prob yg tak solve jus now..we'll see la how it goes tomorrow

cau cincau


wooOOwwwww am testing out this offline blogging tool ---> giler .. now i can blog @home n then upload the next time im in the ofis..ceewahhhhhhhhh

as we speak im alredi using it.. :))

okla.. go tryit out all you blog freaks..hehhehe

gtg catch ya later
testing three four five
testing testing one two three

aye aye cap'n

happy happy birthdayyyyy

------------------birthday announcement------------------

to Kiri and Sarahhhh..happy birthdayyyyyyyyyy...

*psstt: depa nye besday are among the easy ones to remember..hehhehehe..Sept 11..i just haf to keep my ears alert the day before (normally ppl and DJs will take bout the day in news ka radio kaa)

also a belated birthday wish goes to baiiiiiii..sowi baii..a bit late.. nanti i get a nice pressie for you..

saw her pics in her bfs blog..sampai hang browser akuu.. :p

------------------end of announcement------------------

am hafin somekind of block @the moment..grrrrr.. in the midst of preparing some training material which my team and I are supposed to conductt...noooOOOOoo i don't work in a training really bad @ doing documentatioins and the lot..yuckss yuckss hate it... anyway my aim is to start and finish it todayyy...whoa nellyyy i mean yong, me ---> MAKE SURE YOU FINISH IT TODAY!!!!

im tryin tryin... im the biggest procrastinator in the world..hhehehehhe

hmm talkin bout big nih..i had a very not-so-nice incident this morning during breakfast..bangang tolol mind my language pls tq..marah betul aku...well i dont wanna talk bout it now..laterlaa biler i dah cool off sket.. :p

oh btw..Pirates of the Cariibean was superbbbbbbbb..bes gilerrrrrrrrrrr..thumbs up..excellente..powerr powerrr.. and oh oh i just haf to say this:

Johnny Depp as Captain Sparrow reminds me of Leslie Cheungg... uwaaaAAAaaaa i miss his (leslie ler) movies

Orlando Bloom reminds me of Francis, Malcom's brother in Malcom in the Middle

*sigh* oh well am goin offline now..chi-ya'

Wednesday, September 10, 2003



im backkkkkkkkk in the ofis..

not that eager i guess..hehhehehee..malasssssssssssssssssssss..serius shitnye malas...wednesday blueess..

*pssstt: u know wat.. met some colleague during breakfast this morning...and instead of getting a nice n simple hello i got errr how do u say it..blame for somethin :P..

well i think i jus shrugged and ckp amende ntah..kalau ye pun takyah la ckp camtuh..terguris hati aku..hauauhauahuahaauauhau..okeh being a bit sentimental ain't i..

talkin bout being sentimental..i don actually know the exact meanin of it..jap let me get the definition:



a. Characterized or swayed by sentiment.
b. Affectedly or extravagantly emotional.

2. Resulting from or colored by emotion rather than reason or realism.
3. Appealing to the sentiments, especially to romantic feelings: sentimental music.


heyyyy i forgot to declare this..


sob sob yeah (as predicted) i cried uncontrollably at the part wher the u-know-who-and-im-not-tellin died.. uwaaaAAAAaaaaaa..can't help it maa..i was sobbing somewhat like thruout some 30 pages over..hehheheheheh..if la kan this lady terdengar musti dia ingat ader hantu yg nangis..muhahahahhahaha..yup.. that bad wa cakap lu..

and i still blame Harry.. stupid n arrogant harry..oops to harry's fan out there no offence eh..

note to nal: when do u want the book?..u got time aa to read?..u got idlan jgn lupa...:)) cmner? camner?


jus got back from sempat nk publish the entry above..hehehhehe..

nways @this moment of time im still bored n i hav tons of things to do like..errrrrrrr..

eh i managed to do this as found in ucins blog:

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyDefeat of your archnemesis
Date when you fufill your destinyMay 13, 2023
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

nuthin much i can comment here..takde mende pung.. ape yg funnye ucin?? :p but i did it anyways..

wat the hell is archnemesis?

heheheh..i just tried changing my date of birth: this is what i got:

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyCreator of some super weapon
Date when you fufill your destinyFebruary 26, 2016
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

that's more like it..Creator of some super weapon fuuhhhhhhh..hebat gilerrrr...hhehehhe

adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihh im bored bored watchin Pirates of the Carribean this evening..can't wait..

ish ish...just now there were two japanese consultants from SUN..and u know wat my two married colleague said (once they went off) .."jambuuu siott"..cehhhhh...whylaaa they didnt send a japanese guy over..hehehhehe getting ready for the movie..only 2 hrs to go

cau cincau

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Ohhhhhhhhh please, stay by me, Diana

this is NOT diana :)) but still cute

adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii am sooOOOoooo tired...almaklumlaah haf been on rest days for..jap let me count..3 days and one more day counting..hehhehehhe..yup i cuti arini..tmoorow alsoooooooo..can't imagine camner i nk wakeup on wed to go to workk..aaaarghhhhhhh..think bout that later2..


jus got back from JB (as in Johor Bahru) petang tadi n then terus went to IKEA..ayahbonda mau pergiiii ma..mcm nk tercabut my feet jalan pusing2..*sigh* soooOOOooo many things me n my sista wanna buy usual pitis kurang...:( ..and as usual jugak the things we want will masuk dlm wishlist je laaaa nampaknye...

eh back to JB..yup went ther for a wedding..adeiii another wedding but this time my childhood frennye wedding..sob sob..sedihhh lak....last time we met was like 5 yrs ago before i masuk U...bes gileerrrrrrrrrrr borak2...mind you this was mase she was bz being made up by the mak andam...just like old times --> me, weedad and linaa..gosh time do fly err over? past? by? fast.. hafin writers block kot skrang nih..buttttttt maybe not since ii haf sooOOOo many things to type except htat i donno wher to start..hehhehehheheheh..

yeah i know..hafnt been blogging since fridayy...friday mmg i was bz (hheheheh) but on Sat and Sun..that was a differnt story..i did bring along my notebook ke JB and was thinkin of blogging kat bilik tapi serius i malas even to ON hte thingee...hehhehe..*antusemut malu malu* ekcelinye....hehhehheheheh for the past two nights..i had been karaokeing all night long..muahhaahahhahah.....

besssssss tell u the truth that was my first time in a karaoke hellooOOOoo takla.. i didnt go to the KTV or the big karaoke type of lounge... yet to tryla beb *wink* maybe chickyy mite bring me along someday :)) ..anyways we went to the one wher we were staying je..apedaaa..wif my parents and lina's family...wat do u expect..anyways...we had a blast...mcm2 lagu la we tried..

my dad wif his P.Ramlee and Cliff Richard songs..hebat gilerrrrrrrr....mind you..the lagu P.Ramlee which he and Pakcik Mat pilih are not the kind mcm bunyi gitar and the familiar ones but something like..Sri BUnian..Begawan Solo..then my sista ngan lagu dangdut diaa..bob ngan lagu2 r&b azi ngan lagu2 hits mase kini..makcik arah ngan lagu2 sharipah aini.....

me? wat about me??!! *antusemut is blushing* i sucks big timeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... uwwaaaAAAAaaaaaaaaaa..compared to si ina inot (my sista) i am just a helpless little big bug who can't sing...i donnolaa why i still can't decide on a song which suit s my voice yg merdu nih.hehhehehehhe...thats whyla sampai dua hari i was in disonnected mode..yesterday was supposed to be practise mode for me wif just me dad, mum n sistaa.. still fail... eh but i do hav one song which i really100x like to sing.. DIANA by PAUL ANKA ..heard this mase..heyyyyyyyy i haf been to a karaoke room before mase kt the TNB condo in PD tu..hehheheh..lupa but this time we got a room to ourselves...anyways..i was like singing that song over n over n over....hahhahhaha..unfortunately thats a guy song and then again its dedicated to girl/lady named Diana..wait a minute..i mite haf a song after all...if i could just get hold of a nice guy name which has three ..hmmm ..err syllable kot..*antusemut thinkin n thinkin n thinkin...*

:)) okay after all that thinkin i still cant think off a nice and catchy name..hehheh..sleepy alredi but not goin to sleep yet..plannin to watch Punch-Drunk Love (I think Adam Sandler is the hero in this movie) first.

nite nite..cya on Wednesday

Thursday, September 04, 2003

go sooty gooOOooo

fening fening...i hate doing plannings and documentations...aarghhhhhhhhhhh i sucks big time @being a project manager..i prefer being the balachi actuallyy..oi yong do u know wat ur saying nih..hehehhe..well i think im a bit of a perfectionist but very eventually that makes my kerja slower sbb i want everythin to be in proper order and the lotlaaaa.. *sigh* ape2 la yong..

altho im loaded with stuffs to do@the moment..i still haf time to read mails and bloggin'..hehheheh

anyway due to the limited time i haf today, im attaching a fwded eMail i just recieved. ..see how hebat this sooty is/was..


Guinea pig harem says 'hello Sooty'

A guinea pig called Sooty had a night to remember after escaping from his pen and tunnelling into a cage of 24 females. He romanced each of them in turn and was yesterday the proud father of 43 offspring. Staff at Little Friend's Farm in Pontypridd, South Wales, have now secured Sooty's pen - and begun looking for homes for the guinea pigs. His owner, Carol Feehan, 42, said: "I'm sure a lot of men will be looking at Sooty with envy. "We knew that he had gone missing after wriggling through the bars of his cage". "We looked for him everywhere but never thought of checking the pen where we keep 24 females. We did a head count and found 25 guinea pigs - Sooty was fast asleep in the corner.

"He was absolutely shattered. We put him back in his cage and he slept for two days."


meet sooty:

click here for the original clipping.


oh btw i think i now haf quite a corrupted mind after:

1. ntv7's edisi siasat (never seen one actually)
2. reading stories bout #1
3. hearing ppl tell the stories esp the one's in #1
4. actually watching witnessing one of the cd..uwaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaa

cau cincau

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

marah marah marahh

im sooooOOOOOOo fuckin mad @the moment..i feel asap2 keluar dr my telingaaaaaaaaa..aargghhhhh..
jap i need to cool mahself..nope im still mad...

yeah my biggger boss just lectured me n some of our colleagues. (*hint: the whole bunch of us actually went to our Data Centre to do some patching wifout notifying him....hheheh memang patutla dia marahkan..mind you..we were summoned immediately to comeback)

well im mad not because of that..hehhehehe..i admit that what we did was a bit unprofessionally wrong..can't help it maaa..pigi keje tapi either takyah gi ofis or gi ofis...cuba try wiegh which one you'll pick...

anyhoo im mad merely bcos im given a whole bunch of kerjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa due this middle of sept...uwaaaAAAAaaaaa..even had to cancel 9 days of training or more like RM60 x 9been taken away...uwaaaAAAAaaaaaa..alll this mase he was wrapping up the lecture..u when being asked:

linda you haf any questions?

uwaaAAAaa somehow me n my big mouth pi tanyer ape mende ntah and bammmmmmmmmm we had another set of discussion which eventaully lead to more work for me..

yong baka' baka' baka' bos just called..jap

im back..adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..ive cooled off eventually..had more discusiion since he'll be on leave tomorrow until end of next week..but..uwaaaAAAAAaaaaaa..lagi banyaklak work i haf to make matters on leave monday and tuesday next weekkkkk..$(@*^)$*&@)($&_$...yong stop it you whiner..*sob* *sob* can't help itt..

i gtg laa dah gelapp dah kt ofis nih..i cant even see my bossnye face mase disucssion tadik..hehhehehe..malas nk mintak pasang lampuuu..

cau cincau

p/s: im taking the lrt today so whoever sees a nice lady naik lrt bawak notebook and tgh sulking..taht'll be meeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

tuesdayyy blueeEEss for me today

i need a holidayyyyyyyyy

adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so many things i wanna read but so little time...

besides the harry porter book which i still havnt finished, i just acquired two more books:

1. Sould we tell the president by Jeffrey Archer (got 20% off @Times last Thursday); and
2. MCSE Networking Essentials Study Guide <----- hahaha i thot my boss nk kasik i pinjam netwroking for dummies..anyways in two months time im supposed to give a presentation on what i understand in front of my colleagues...wahahahahahhaah i cant believe i actually agreed to thatttt... dammit..

so.. now how am i supposed to juggle between the three books? *antsy grin* yeah yeah i know ...fineeee.. wat ill do is i'll read the networkin book at least one hr every nite and after that continue wif my storyy bookss until im sleepyy enuf to sleep... lets see how it goes tonite :)) i can alredi see my alredi big nose penyek everynite akibat di hempap with the thick book (it has around 680 pgs PLUS its a hardcover bookkkkkk)..

@this moment im still hafin tuesday blueessssssss

wahhh not sure if everyone is still in their merdeka mood.. well not me! teruknye anak malaysia nih..heheh the best thing i did was to sing along during the nyanyi nyanyi of lagu merdekaa on tv..damm susahhh nk ingat...too long but the melody nice nice..jap lemme try..

nahhh donno the lyriks..jap lemme google for both the songs:

here amik nih:

Keranamu Malaysia
Jalur Gemilang

ehhhhhhhhhh im actually looking for a song..for gonna master it and eventually makin it my default karaoke song..still looking u think a lagu patriotik acceptable aa..melody bes wordin bess..mebbe gonna try and ask for these songs laaa ananti..

sidenote: heyyyyyyyy according to this lady who happen to sing together gether that nite, we sang like croaking frogs! :D WE DID NOT. I thinks i sang beautifully hahahhahahahahahhahaha *hint: antusemut is very100x bad @singing

anywayss..didnt do much on merdeka eve..was supposed to go to a frens BBQ party kt ampang (hanna jgn marah!) but had to cancel due to one single reason:

MY ROOM WAS SO LIKE TONGKANG PECAH (oiiiii the past few weeks my room can be considered as bersepah sikit je)..was actually doing a major overhaul or better state it as revamping of yong's room..and I haf to finish cleaning before Sun petang bcos will not be back until Monday mlm...NoooOOOOoooo nuthin like nasha's room..oops?!! hehheheheh..

so my excuse di terima eh hanna?

so i ended up just shopping kt the new IKEA and 1-Utama (getting more stuff for the already fully stuffed room o_O) anddddddd was back by 9pm..sighhhhhhhhhh..i really so wanted to watch the AFUNDI guys sing..hehehhe..i know im pathetic..

just got back from lunch nih..early 10 minits mind you..soooOOOo not like mee..but ngantuklaaaaaaaaaa..blame it on the wheatherman.. :))penat tk ilang lagiiiiiii nih(besides revamping my room, was actually helping @ a good fren's kenduriiiiiiiiiii)

gtg work work :))