hi there. its been awhile.
yes im still 30++++. single and loving it but longing for a billionaire husband hehehe
which reminds me i need to update the status on the top right :p
yeah finally upated the design of this blog. lupa nk screenshot the previous layout. dont know what happened. everything was all brown and black! yuck! anyway i just chose the template i liked (from blogger!) and woila. It will have to do for now....
<30 minutes later> <-- i find this funny. I read somewheere used kat blog orang. line taken from spongebob squarepants. not a fan anymore. i think i have indeed grown up and being all matured and serious cecece but still a nerd (at heart ONLY).
still blank. im still talking nonsense. Nabil is on TV wearing a stupid drakula costume.
which reminds me, i have so many tv series to download. tapi M.A.L.A.S plus my vuze is having problem. stress.
oh i forgot to mention about my iphone which is no more. i think i overcharged and did overstated it on facebook by saying that it exploded. But it did with a *poof* sound. Aiyoo say the word *poof* harder and masculine please. now picture the iphone exploded but still intact...lu pikirla sendiri
so itulah ceritanya. i has been without iphone for 2 frakking months but it felt like ages. everything was inside the phone O_o but not to worry. i can always sync back to my new iphone 4S(berangan dulu). Now im surviving on leman's old Nokia phone but it is still touch screen mind you.
so with no iphone, im back to surfing using the laptop and playing games on my DS.
now tengah tunggu new professor layton game to finish download. Ive no interesting games on my DS. semua dah either habis main or stuck somewher. isk isk.
okla to be continued.
rasa macam nk cerita macam-macam but tatau nak cerita apa hehe
i even think i still have one post still in draft.
yup. just checked. i have a cuti-cuti post which i had drafted in March or April last year!
Below are some pictures from our Krabi holiday, July 2011. Banyak gila gambar tak upload lagiiii. And all my pictures are not nice T___T so "terpaksa" guna gambar abah, ina inot and leman dulu hehe
cya later alligator