Sunday, January 29, 2012

this is last week news which i forgot to jot down

"Syukur Alhamdulillah!!"
rasa nk sentap but whats the point..

finally made up with the fren.
missed her lots. wished we had metup sooner but i dont do conventional apologies.
trust me i normally dont do apologies, pujuk, etc.

buuuttt the husband is another story.
i just found out he was the one who was extra mad at me.
he wouldnt even look at me (which i think is very rude)
serius rasa nk sentap and wanted to ask him "wtf??!!apehalu!!!??"
tataula bila he's gonna be ok.
for now, im just thankful that everything is back to norm with the fren ( i thinkla unless the husband still wants to make it big, than i cant help much, can i?)

till then
cau cincau

Friday, January 13, 2012

need to get this off my chest.

a good fren is currently mad at me
but in truth she didnt know that i initially sentap first because she changed plan and simply thot i would comply
its actually small and she's actually helping me out but being me i hate last minute change so i did a 360 degress change also hhehe
and thot that was the end of it
rupenya up till today sentap dia tak abis :(
and the bad things is i tak perasan pun dia sentap isk isk

so for the new year im trying to take it easy.
terus ada new year's resolution hahah
1. kurangkan marah
2. kurangkan rasa nak marah
3. kurangkan menyentap (bukan mensantap ye)
4. jangan tinggal or tertinggal solat o_O
5. sila habiskan ganti puasa on time

ok sikit2 dulu ye

till then
see you later alligators