good morning malaysia..
i' backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk and veryyyy earlyyy..hehhehehe
its 730 in the morning..and im alredi at the ofis..tak percaya kaaa? me also.. but im here..
since ifa has some things to finish, the ehem ehem pasenger in the co-pilot seat had to also go sleeepyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ma... but at least i get to catchup with the felt like ages since i last connected to the world wide web let alone typing on a keyboard :))
jap i nk check my eMails...
slept a bit late last night..i finally picked up Jeffrey Archers's Shall we tell the president? after leaving it for ntahhh how long...i lost trackk..yup that longg...hehhe had to practically start over ..saya byk sudah lupalaa..luckily it was bookmarked at pg 15-ish.. hhehhe..
actually i started readin only after watchin' American Idol on 8TV... after an hour of it only then it hit me..SHAITTTT.. ITs THAT HARD TO BE A SINGERRRR RUPENYE???!!!... eventually by now all my confidence (if n when i haf one...*grin*) in my singing ability has gone down the drain.. hehehehhe not really..actually i kinda sux at singing..cuma syok sendiri adalaa.. i think my sister knows better...anyways back to the TV show, I simply cant believe all those who had auditioned were so pretty sure they had a singing talent...aarghhhhhhhhhhh..sangat teruk but it sure was entertaining....muahahahhahahah..
okay2 i haf a confession.. i didnt start reading right after american idol..after my late prayers *grin* 8TV was showing some video clips and i happen to glance at the TV and waddya know i was immediately glued reading to the sms-es ppl send on TV..hauhauhauhauaah...normally i wud just change the channel...but this time..ntahlaa.. i was goin like..oh mannn these ppl are pathetic...sending sms-es which i think must haf cost at least RM1(not sure)... but at the same time im reading it and even waiting for the moderator to reply when applicable...muahahhahah now whos the pathetic one here???
okayla i gtg
i might or might not be blogging petang karang.. it is beleived that my boss will be coming back after so longgggggggggg.. so I haf to be preapred and look busyyyy...hehehhehe
cau cincau
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