its friday night but..
hi frens!!!
guess wot??!! its 11pm on a friday night and im still at the ofis.. yipeeeeeEEEeeee!!!!
thats a norm i guess in the IT world.. even Isma - a veryyyy good programmer psst psst .net stuff is still in the ofis yg jauh nun di kertehh.. hehhe.. but i bet shes taking a break kat mcD skarang nih since shes not rplying my ym msg :P
the activity actually starts sometime after 1130 and midnight.. abis?? wallahualam..
hopefully everything goes well tonight..
this is the third time.. the first one, i was in the ofis but fell sound asleep at my place.. hehehhe.. they did the backup quite late so i decided to take a nap first which apparently lasted for a few hours.. by the time i woke up, i was soo dead tired and they still hafnt started.. went back home around subuh.. and managed to not come back as promised petang tuuh.. bad yong bad..
last week pulakk.. i was ssooooOOooo tired after the melaka ordeal, i just couldnt come.. alasan ehh
so this week, as in now, here I amm.. :))
the other team is on their way to bangi.. tonight thats wher the real activity is since the server is ther.. *sigh* so im actually here on standby.. ill be just seeing watever theyre doing remotelyy.. okla tuuu...
and i didnt have to shiver alone in the ofis long.. by 930 i was already up in the ofis and no one was around, but by 10something Jagat came to initiate the backup and wait for bahar to pick him up.. 15minits before 11 he was off.. and i was alone.. shivered a bit.. but before my mind managed to wander arounddd.. in came kaustav.. hehhehe.. so im saved.. alhamdulillahhh...
i gtg.. need to save energy.. im planning to complete some tasks in between the activity (and hopefully before i ter'doze' off!!).. and tomorrow pulak ill be going to pedas to pickup the car and on sundayy pulak to continue my house hunting .. penaatttttt..
btw hi CC aka nana banana.. hopefully ur reading this.. a'ah im looking for a house.. and i cant reply ur sms sbb my phone is barred already :P.. kalau sempat nanti aku tepon ko!!
till then
haf a nice weekend everyone
cau cincau
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