morning mah frens!!!!!

rise and shine early in the morning eh
i hafnt slept since last nightttt..uwaaAAAaaaaa
im at a users site.. tak abis setup some stuff lagi
actually im stuck at some copying/restoring process.. like a colleague said.. maybe we can put "xcopy expert" in our resumes.. hehehehhe
its sunday today
my parents is even in town
since friday!
cant even make any plans
and can u believe this, the guy whos in charge here was actually sleeping the whole night in his car while me, myself and i was left in the server room yg so blooddyyy cold.. nk terlelap pun susah let alone nk take a nap..adeiiiiii
just reliefed myself.. penat aku tunggu sampai matahari terbit or at leastsome lites outside.. iye to go to the ladies, the route involves going outside first.. and L&G, antusemut is the most scaredy catest person in the whole wide world :P
i think the coldness in this server room is driving me nuts..
im back after all the pressure stuff above..
because of my stupida, i wasted a few hours of time
pengajaran pengajaran eh
now alhamdulillah it looks lancar....
its nearing 3 oclock
the entry above was written some what 7 in the morning this morning
my last shower was at 1030 last night
then i went straight to the site
so does that make me smelly??
hell no!! hehehe
i haf my thick baju tebal on (whch i had on during the hot lunch also hahahah)
and also my thick sleeping socks
rase mcm org tgh berpantang
i gtg
i still haf a few more things to do
haf to get it right
ill be dead meat tomorrow if otherwise :P
ive shared some bali pics here
till then
cau cincau