(i was tagged by ariesha) kehidupan saya..
took me nearly 2 hours to finish thinking and typing :) orang puasa membebel dan cakap banyak dlm blog takpe kan.. hehehhe
20 years ago : 1985 (I was 7)Was already in Australia. yup i started my schooling in Marayong Heights public school. Have no idea how i learnt how to speak English.. when thinking about it, i wonder how all the babies as they grow - how do they fillup their vocabs.. scaryyy :P anyways, my bestfriend at that time was
kellie fryer.. no wonder and no idea wher she is now.. last time i spoke to her was in 1986.. other things that needs and should also be remembered is of us (me and boy) asyik kena chilli ngan mummy dearest sebab suka gaduh.. siblings fight - the more you fight the more closer you get eh. i dont think mase nih
si dot dah datang.. she came a bit late wif opah.. i think the following year but the chilli-ing gets worsen because si dot nih memang dari kecik kaki gaduh o_O
(added sendiri by antusemut)14,15,16 years ago: 1991-1993 (I was 13) How can i miss this year! cannot.. i started schooling kat raub.. jauh giler dari umah.. started wearing glasses after years of indenial.. and became more of a scaredy cat after hearing tons of gost stories.. however this is where i met most of my buddies..
gaban, hanna to name a few eh :)) si
yana and
bird i kenal a fews years later when we were in the same class.. and then
kak sheena, wonder wher she she is now.. *sigh*
tapiiiii how best the years were, no wayy i want to repeat the years back (waking up early to go mandi kat kolah, ghost stories, no water, corn under feet and many more scary experince) but maybe the playng and outings wif frens (of course minus the studying) can be considered!
10 years ago : 1995 (I was 17)SPM!
i love maths!! both mod and add maths! yeah i know i was a geek back then and i think i still am.. hmmm i cant think of anything except for SPM hahahha.. maybe the days during the exam days kot.. hostel-wise, we had to move to lower level rooms since the top level rooms are closed as it was the holidays. and we get to choose our own preferred rooms.. bes banget.. you know together with 'gang' sendiri.. ceewahhh.. oh and and in secondary school la i started growing bigger by the years.. (no) thanks to the nasi goreng bungkus, mee goreng bungkus and if kaya sikit, burger kosong kantin!
5 years ago : 2000 (I was 22)Based on
nana's description, final year in university. hehehhe.. betul la tu kot.. i alwayssssss forget the year i graduate.. hmmmm... i was head over heels with this one guy.. dia syok kat britney spears aku pun syok giler jugak.. wahahahah.. tapi made my study easier sebab tgh gumbira.. hehehe tapi he considered me just as a good fren.. isk iskk.. he was soooOOooo ecstatic when he showed me his girlfriend at the mall.. and that my fren was a surprise.. can you believe it he actually said he wanted to surprise me.... nasib baik aku tak dapat heart attack.. and luckily that happened way after exam dah abish... hehehe.. now he's happily married to the girlfriend of course and tgh tunggu baby keluar... yes yes im definitely over him already and am still single as a bee *sigh* why oh whyy are all the good men are either already taken or married!!
3 years ago : 2002 ( I was 25) kerja already and earning own money.. but sometimes still S.O.S my parents.. living alone with frens.. wah bunyik cam pathetic je but surprisingly tak... hahahah omigod im a lone ranger.. i can survive the weekends just by watching the telly or a good book.. however, being the none commitment (yet) person i am, i always get last minute invitaion to keluar melepak, shopping , makan, movies.. *sigh* these frens i tell you suka take advantage of insan lemah like me nih! :P
introduced to treasure hunting and the rest is history.. so some of my weekends are filled afterall eh :P
Last year : 2004 (I was 26) Same job but different ship, moved to a new place, got a car and managed to get the car engine replaced after a month of using it.. lesson learnt the hard and expensive way.. hehehe.. iye saya masih lagi
single unattached..
This year : 2005 (I am 27) My dad pencen so the S.O.S has
lessened :P Gone to Bali twice and am planning to have a yearly trip to Bali. best bangett!! hope to get hooked up with anyone of the hemsem jepangs over ther.. ahaks!
Next year : 2006 (I will be 28)*gulp* im nearing the big three-O and still not married.. camner nih.. im cool it with it... tapi rase macam nk anak pulak.. boleh bawak jalan2 and belikan baju baru.. isk isk.. how how how..
nana taknak rekomenkan aku kat sape2 ke :P i guess i will still be working my ass off.. psst: but i do hope it shrinks a bit :P
10 years from now : 2015(I will be 37, insyaAllah) I will be happily (still) married to the man of my dreams.. :P nak kawin nak kawin.. hehhe ader rase gatal pulak.. anyway that means i have 10 more years to make sure i get married.. and my parents sudah ada cucu :)) and ive already done my hajj or at least umrah.. and giving my parents lotsandlots of money monthly.. insyaAllahh.. aamin
wahhh, im done storying my whole life.. took me ages to finish since i had to do a lot of thinkng and remembering.. both my short term and long term memory needs some checking i tell ya..
now, im passing the baton to
kak wynn and
fashah (these are the only people yg i know does jenguk my ramblings once in awhile kan kan kan :P
good luck!