Tuesday, February 28, 2006

im veryy the busy
and now soooOOOooo the bloody sleepy

*gigantic yawn*

hmm.. lemme find and share a new joke from An's spanking new goofy joke book he got from the MPH warehouse sale.
here's one:

What does a dentist tell in court?

"The tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth"

:P wot?? u dont think thats funny. ur one sick person wif no sense of humor dude :P

thers so many to tell but i don haf time to babble and plus toooOOoo lazy to bring back my notebook to even blog offline *sigh*

anybody watched Pink Panther yet???
i did last SUnday.. my verdict -- awesome, absolutley funny!!!! heheh well i had fun watching it.. i think its the next best funny movie after shaolin soccer.. but bee who normally has the same review of movies that we watch is not quite fond of the movie.. how how how.. go watch it urself to find out.. and do let me know.. oh and btw.. i think dick and janes suck big time.. does that help?? :D

gtg dudes
catch ya guys later
cau cincau

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