Thursday, September 06, 2007

what is on my mind right now??

actually nothing much ehehehehe

banayak kejeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. banayk paperwork tak siap, banayk project to think and plan
yongie have u not heard of the work delegation.. delegate! delegate!!!

frakking malasssssssssssssssssssssssssnyaaa..

btw hi therr.. long time me not babbling..

after awhile (feel like ages) of not bloghopping.. not yet done. gotta go sat lagi..a lot of things has happen around rupenye.. contoh nana ariesha dah beranak :) anak loly mungkin dah besar well i hafnt actually gone far..hehehehe

aisehh.. i gotta go laa..

go so much to tell..

no i still haf not found my rich-husband-to-be :P

and looking at my lang tengah trip pictures, i look like an ikan paus.. so right now im not feeling pretty isk isk iskk... mungkin esokla.. im wearing red.. hahah.. cant change me mind actually.. im sleeping with ina inot parent in laws kat legend hotel.. yeah bebeh.. u read it right.. i got a small room.. memalukan eh.. but thinking of not having to drive far to work.. blissful.. although arinih had to go early sebab had promised my bos ill be early to pass some stuffs..

yes i went to lang tengah.. last week..
then the stories about my hunt winnings..
yeah bebeh kitaorg dah terer sikit..
this weekend i got back to back hunts.. wish me luck..

oh and i havent mentioned that i now have a brother in law kan?

alamak dah terlebih masa perlu pulanggggggg...
esok la sambung keje..
esok esok jugak kita sambung citer ok

cau cincau

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eh, dah jadi big sister - in - law :-) tahniah yong !
