Sunday, May 17, 2009


movers will be coming on tuesday and my room is still like a tongkang pecah.
so many things tak kemas lagiiii.
i started last sunday, had a break of 6 days (read: malas) and just continued this morning but not after spongebob and transformers animated and now im busy chcking out blogs and the room is still a frakking mess.. aaarghhhhhh!!!!!!

the ironborad was full of clothes but had to shove them off sbb abang hiro nk tidur. katil ader, iron board jugak yg dia pilih. mummy and daddy dia takde thats why he's in my room, kalau tak takdenye nk tidur ngan saya isk isk no cant take pictures. camera broken T___T and the blackberry im using is yg zaman batu punye <--- quoted from a friend yg sgt tak bertimabang rase but then again she's a lawyer and using blackberry bold rasenye hehe

ok i just had a look around my room and tried some magic words. gagal. bilik still bersepah and hiro still sedap tidur. eee malasnye. esok dahla kena bangun awal. tukang cat grill nk dtg pukul 8 pagi. yes 8 pagi!!! membazir cuti aku. tapi dah plan with opah, we'll be having breakfast kat umah baru tapi atas lantai la.

so bile nk kemas ni??!!!! malas malas malas malas malas. confirm lepas ni still takkan sambung. im planning to watch psych sambil tertidur. dah masuk 2nd season dah ni hehe. takpelah ill think of something. bangun tgh2 pagi ke... tahts wat i normally do kalau esoknya nk pi holiday. but then again the excitement nk pergi bercuti normally trumps laziness and even sleepiness isk isk and plus ni volume besar gilee as compared to one luggage.. adeiiiiiii

kita tgk psych dulu and see how it goes.
tak payah tutup lampulaa but then tak eolok membazir electricity ceewahh
im signing off
nk tepuk si hiro sikit dulu

cau cincau

1 comment:

ajin_06 said...

ada bilik kosong mau sewa? hehehehehehe...
tahniah dah dpt kunci jugak akhirnya...
jgn lupa buat kenduri doa selamat sempena masuk rumah baru...