Sunday, September 27, 2009

saya masih ada di sini

halooOOoo halooOOOoo
can u believe it dah seminggu dah lepas raya and soon it will be deepavali, then raya haji, then christmas, then another new year!!!!! time sure flies bloody fast but:
1. antusemut is still lazy
2. antusemut is still always not having enough money
3. antusemut is still fat (and getting more heavier by the day) T___T
4. and most importantly antusemut still have not found her prince charming <-- berangan lagi budak ni kan heheh

oh man.
baru je rase nk berceloteh, perasaan malas menyerang kembali
zue was telling just now about bloggers who earn money by blogging.. adalah rase teruja kan
but then again, the feeling utk memblogging hari2 has stopped like a few years back
nowadays, everytime there's something/anything interesting to share, the best i can do is 'thinking' about it in the head on wat to write and thats about it *sigh*


im getting old (and boring!)
maybe too much of perezhilton??? o_O

oh well
banyak nk cerita tapi masih malas
mau mandi lah nk cuba sabun baruuuuuuu

till then
cau cincau

1 comment:

Beester said...

cik kak....dahpuasa tahun 2010 dah...cepatlah update blog!!!