Monday, June 21, 2004

im sooOOOoo lazyy..

this gambar reminds me of maria te-o..heheh


it sure feels good if u pass an exam, although sipi-sipi (barely) passed, ain't it?? heheheh..

yeah my first ever exam after graduating (minus my driving test <-- this will be a different later story..heheh), i was scared to bits for a week before the exam... even got extra sleep (time allocated for studying was filled wif sleeping!).. and experienced sleeping with the notebook for one whole straight week.. heehhe.. well thats me.. i did tried to study earrrrrrly.. u name it bebeh.. during office hours -- tried it every single day.. FAILED(!) too many distractions, one of them is the internet, at home after office hours -- the TV and of course the bed and pillows...

was shivering like crazy the morning of the-day.. was sooOOOoo scared that i had my 'beach' slippers on to the exam center and 1 1/2 hrs early!.. hehehh.. while taking the exam my mind was already wandering and made plans:

1. next time im defintely gonna study and prepare much much earlier
2. i think i better take leave a day before the exam - to studyy hopefully
3. i'll defintely pass on my re-take exam...
4. i'm gonna fail..uwaaaAAAa
5. ther goes my 200ringgit..

eventually all plans is no more except #1..ceewahhh..

post-exam rest like thers no more exams.. hehheheh.. thanks to my lovely sister who had belanja-ed her broke sister.. after i told her i cant celebrate because i only haf 30ringgit left in my wallet.. huahuahuahua.. yeah i think i shud add a #6 plan: spend less, earn more!.. :P its okay now.. my mom came to the rescue.. though i was quite relunctant to accept.. yeah boo hoo me.. like my sister point blank said .. "don't make me muntah" or something like that.. hehehehe

btw Around the World in 80 days is... hmmm.. hillariouss... hihihihihihihi.. bes gilerrrrr.. go and watch it now!!

so now.. actually mactuallynye i was about to (before i saw the b for bloggar icon.. darn) start studying for my next paper which is in 2 weeks time.. wellllllll.. that seems to be a loooong way to gooOOo.. hehehhehe.. fyi i got 4 more papers.. *sigh* so shud i start studying now. oh mann .. somebody help meeeEEee.. nyeh nyeh nyeh.. but ive never studied 2 weeks earlier for any exams even for my finals... and then again france is playing today against swiss.. think wisely yong.. think think think..

wellllllllllll.. im still thinking.. it might take some time..

till then

cau cincau

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