Monday, March 21, 2005

antusemut's weekend PART I

theSun hunt & theWedding

if ther is anyone to be blamed, it defintiely shud be me..

we had soooOOoo many wrong answers in theSun 2005 treasurehunt.. isk iskkk

yeah maybe it was a sign after all, of us being the last to arrive at the starting point..
yup in other words, we were LATE. VERY VERY LATE. :P
ending point of coursela lagi lambat!

im still blaming mahself for not going to the briefing.
i always do.. i mean about going to the briefings :(
i definitely cant blame si aishah, dot or leman.
how wud they know wat was missing and wat to expect and wat to take note kan kan kan..
we didnt get the right infos and time management as usual failed..

well, its over. so i shud just zip my mouth and shot up, shudnt i.. heheheh

tapiiiiii rugiiiiiiiiiiiii.. uwaaaaAAAAaaaa...
satisfaction of getting right for the answer pun takde, apetah lagi the prizes..

congrats to Eza's and Acad's respective team for getting prizes... i wonder how Kak Ta's team did..
watever it is, im still mad of not gettign to grab anyone of the prizes..hmmmpt!!

well better luck for us next time eh :))
nope! i still hafnt give up on treasure huntings.. i'll be back with vegeance..ceewahhh..

btw i missed the briefing because of Apek's and Mas's Wedding in Putrajaya.
actually was very glad i went..
met a lot of old frens from school, some of them whom i hafnt met for nearly 10 years..
cepat giler masa jalan
we finished school in 1995, and now its already 2005!
i wonder how Raub looks like now..hmmmm..

and one of my stupida's was although knowing that i had to get up ealry the next morning (for the hunt),
i still wanted to hang out at a frens house after the wedding reception kt putrajaya nun..
but then again, i had a great time although it was just me and yana with nadia and abang ayot and their sons,
it sortof calmed me down.. aderla ter"berangan sebarang dua".. hehehehhe

im stopping now
its nearing lunchtime
i'll get back to part II later

till then
cau cincau

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