Monday, April 04, 2005

careless (whisper)!


i had a pair of scissors
and was fixing one of my shoes
(something tercabut and i wanted to cut it all off)
that settled..
when i saw some 'pointing out' threads from my skirts (normally happens either when u send it to the dobby or get it spinning in the washing machine)
so dengan tangan gatalnye i started to snip snip snip
when i accidentally snipped off a small itsy bitsy tiny weenie piece off my skirt

dah berlobang!!!

its obviousss.. well me, mahself and i can see the missing part..

baka' yong baka'

sangat seperti tikus membaiki labuuu.. i cant find the idiom in english..

haf this ever happened to youu????
heeshh so careless... *sigh*

good thing though whie i was looking for the idiom (ceewahh) i found these links:

i likeeyy!!

gotta go
cau cincauuu

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