i wish i could..
finallyy siap!
after nearly 2 months of procrastinations.. hehehhe
told ya i hate doing documentations..
now its time to blog
had a quick lunch, dah lama dah tak (window shoping) during Friday lunchtime isk isk
talking bout 'buying'...
since my birthday is nearing *hint* *hint*, this is my dream phone (besides any one of those smartphones laa)
..presenting Nokia 7280
oooooooooooooooooooh lovelyyy!
know anyone selling it for free??? tell me pls tq!
phones phones phones phones phones!!!!
hmmm ive been using my phone for nearly one and half years already.. is it time to change??? is it is it is it??? hahahaha i don think so... i wish i could though... *sigh*
tapi apakan daya
ku tidak sanggup membazir utk menukar phone
lagi lagi my line selalu kena barred... membazir i tell u!
actually i bought the phone based on a fren's recommendation.. he just bought his T610 at that time..
although im more of a flip phone user, ntah camner terbeli jugak.. hehhehe. told you im a sucker when it comes to persuasion.. unlesssss memang betul2 takde pitis.. hehhehe
oh and this i had to add: i had to actually buy a new phone that time because frens are telling me that my old phone (a samsung flip phone) - baling anjing pun tak mati... eh ke mati.. tak sure pulak which one... heheh.. this one lagi laa: even pencurik pun left the phone alone... yup that bad.. i think i just finally threw it away mase nak pindah umah arituh..
anyways (again),
nearly one and a half years later,
the fren now has a new phone!!!
actually, including this new one, he had changed phone twice.. ish ishhh
previously it was aTreo 600 (which i, saya, me initialy wanted before i bought the t610.. aarghhhhhh but then again while looking for tips on treo600, i get to stumble upon sifus page.. good eh :)) )
and now recently he just had it changed to Treo 650... arghhhhhhhhhhhh saya sangat iri hati!
with me now is a product flyer for Nokia 6680.. the phone changing fren gave it to me... is he implying that i shud change my phone ??
*big sigh*
i wish i could..
tapi saya tidak mahu membazir.. hehhehehehe
weeekend weekend
cant wait to relax :))
cau cincau
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