yup im in the office
didnt actually CANCELLED my leave but i sortof transfered 1/2 day leave to yesterday, so i have another 1/2 day worth of leave to use ASAP.
im soooOOOOO tired
my half day leave yesteday was fully. eh silap. veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy fully utilized!!!!
three (3) back to back worth of the '6th european uninon film festival' movie watching
the pick yesterday was (in order)
girl with the pearl earing
i love to love
the inheritance
antusemuts favorite - love to love --> so funny and entertaining!!!! i like sanders looks (somehow he reminded me of harry porter) but with robs traits :P
the first one agak me mengantukkan.. i didnt say it was not good.. its just slow.. like gaban said, more expression and less words or something like that.. so eventually i did ter 'slept'.. and the last one, it was good. looks like a movie wif quality.. :P
i dont know how to review these so-called intelligent kind of movies.. not my cuppa tea. i like either funny/hillarious movies, and suspense/mystery/thriller.. lain2 so-so, but horror movies- BIG NO NO for me..
ive a headache right now.. not sure why..
the good news for today is that i finally paid my maxis bill after 2 months of my phone line getting barred
that means i have roughly around 3 months before the maxis along calls me..again.. hehehhe
somehow i feel bad for pestering those maxis people
lepas 3 bulan baru nak bayar
baru bayar, terus call 3 kali suruh cepat sikit unbar my phone line huhhuhhu
adakah im one of those 'kejam' customer
but but i did say thank you afterwards :))
right now as im typing this, im pestering them to enable my bcb mobile banking hehehhe
let me try kejap and i'll let u know how it goes..
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i now can check my bank balance from my phone..
last time i thot channel-e was the next best thing after err free wi-fi???
but this is wayyy better(for me) then channel-e, i mean if and when my phone is not barred laaaaa
one of the important thing for me is checking my bank account balance
last time we had to go the the atm, then along came channel-e but now bcb mobile banking..
bagus bangeettttttt!
im not sure of the charges, im assuming its free (but u never assume, ill save that for another entry.. i wanted to write something abbout assuming but i forgot about which one..:P)
because last time si pain cakap, for his hsbc account the minimum balance must be 5k to get that kind of mbile service.. ntahlaa..
watever it is
i love the growing technology... boo hoo yong
heheh the truth and nothing else but the truth is that
im not updated with the current technology
seriously im not
i just cant be bothered
as long as i dont need it yet then tak perlu tau buat sakt hati je sebab takde duit nk beli :P
okay guys
i need to get ready to go back
ponat dah den koja arinih :))
haf a nice weekend everyone
i mite be online this weekend
i need to do research on something which is supposed to be discusses over tea this afternoon
but since i haf nothing researched yet...
i nk mintak postpone.. edi's gonna kill me.. hafnt told him yet that both me and iz takde isi ape2 lagi.. huuuhu
ok guys
cau cincau