Wednesday, November 16, 2005

FW: Managers are expensive .. ?!

morning beautiful ppl of the world!
heheheh.. I think this shud be shared...


A man wanted to buy his son a parrot as a birthday present.

The next day he went to the pet shop and saw three identical parrots in a cage.

He asked the clerk, "how much for the parrot on the right? The owner said it was $250.
"$250", the man said. "Well what does he do?

"He knows how to use all of the functions of Microsoft Office", responds the clerk
"He can do all of your spreadsheets and type all of your letters."

The man then asked what the second parrot cost.
The clerk replied, $500, but he not only knows Microsoft Office, but is an expert computer programmer.

Finally, the man inquired about the cost of the last parrot. The clerk replied, "$1,000." Curious as to how a bird can cost $1,000, the man asked what this bird's
specialty was.

The clerk replies, "Well to be honest I haven't seen him do anything. But the other two call him "BOSS"!!

disclaimer: no bosses of antusemut was involved either directly or indirectly in the forwarded article above

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