Friday, February 02, 2007


im joining the amazing vista hunt tomorrow
wish me luck!!!!!!!!!

of course i want to win :P not sure of the prizes but they said can win limited edition vista CDs signed by Bill Gates which i sooOOOOooo want.... NOT!!!!!

i cant believe they used that as a "come join" thing hehhe

and guys checkout my 2007 new years resolution
see previous entry
forgot to post ma after the internet link is up
some more my streamyx is still not up (*^$(*^(*%&(#*$& this i need to bitch about tmnet in a different entry
anyway i even forgot i made such resolutions :P
ill restart today laa
this definitely requires a lot of luck

ok gtg
im (planning) to cook tonight since azie opt make lunch tomorrow instead.. isk iskk..
yes my dad is at home heheh

*not quite confirmed yet since dalam fridge cuma ader eggs and taufu heheh

1. Ikan masak merah
2. Taufu goreng cicah sambal jawa (nice i tell you, some more im making it :P)
3. either kobis masak kicap or mushroom tumis

intermediate cook :P
kalau rajin ill take pictures macam loly punye entry hehhehe

haf a nice weekend everyone
cau cincau

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