i like like like like like these people :))
but i think by time we get ther, it will be a different band :((
i cant find who's playng now demmit.. isk isk isk
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
hellooOOOOoo hellooOOOoo
I'm so not the mangantuk now. especially lepas terkejut tgk beruk horatio (purak2) mati..
so the dramaa kan..
alhamdulliallah notebookku sudah sihat. ONE WEEK ok hatiku gundah gulana. 7 years of stuff. Changed notebook TWICE tapi data still yg sama and still not backed up. anyway now its formatteed, data restored, fan changed and virus free heheh i thot kalau format takyah nk scan dah but the support guy said kena scan. well he did found 1400 viruses!!! oops!!
next. to share. serius. must share.
my newest latest favorite blogs must check daily:
sile pergi baca. sgt addictive. tapi ade downside. kalau takde update (like today) hati akan berasa sedikit kuciwa :(
actually the day i stumbled into the blogs above was 'the' dooms day for my notebook. not to say the cause but it was the daylaa heheh i was busy going through the entries.. yes i have a very bad habit. kalau suka banget terpaksa bace previous entry sampai habis (preferrably on the same day.. u get the idea how time consuming it was ehhehe). so lepas keje md nor ajak hepi hour (perkataaan baru belajar ni) iaitu pi minum teh tarik which i ended up makan nasi goreng but thats not the story. sebab nk baik terus, somehow mase nk hibernate the notebook tiba2 start menu semua hilang. cant even ctrl-alt-del! ye laa malas nk off sebab tak abish baca lagi and i haev so many IE page opened heheheh anyways sebab taknak notebook panas i had to force shutdown tekan butang. and the rest is history. terus tak boleh start. isk isk. terdelayla lagi nk tgk heroes and prison break :(
oops tersidetrack. in short. please go cekout the blogs. inibelogsaya i got it from yogainstructorsdiaries blog and blog jebon tu pulak from inibelogsaya.
ok. im rambling and merapu rapu again. tak sabar nk tgk GG, ugly betty and DH ni. because of the notebook fiesta, 2 episode ok DUA i tell you..dah terdelay. lambat betul la nk tunggu download ni. its not even 30% done. adeiii.. nampak gaya mcm the earliest can wtch is on Saturday... malas nk tgk heroes and prison break malam2 sebab mcm boleh menyetresskan and i dont wnt to have mimpi2 yg serius and penuh action ceewah..
actually the past few weeks i asyik mimpi on how to startegize for my pipemania game. serius tak tipu. sgt memenatkan ok. btw pipemania game dlm DS. last time i used to play pipedream on PC. very syiok and addictive. ina inot is saying a reflexive game baru mcm pipemania/dream yg sgt syok. sejak ader DS i havent been playing PC games at all!
banayk nk cerita ni. nanti dah malas ehehhe
oh yes. I NEED A NEW PHONE. uwaaaaAAAAAaaaaaa. last year punye bonus i didnt get a new phone. lucky for me sebab a few months ;lepas tu my phone got stolen. this year punye bonus pun tak beli phone. but the thing is. UNLUCKY for me duit dah abis and phone pinjam yg digunakan skarang tgh bengong!!!!!! if i talk like for more than 15mins it will autoOFF! and kengkadang the signal will like be LOST so i haf to on off the wireless everytime!! aarghh sgt tak memberangsangkan adeiiiii
did i tell you i went to bangkok last month. no? ok im telling u now. girls getaway. just me and sarah. we stayed at this place. nice budget place. recommended. hows bangkok? minus the dinner river cruise, cultural shows (yg tk sempat tgk), bangkok is not bad, sangat menyengkekkan and worth coming again :) kalau nk tips especially halal food (i'm an always hungry person) can ask. I'll just list the names in case i forget in the future. I did wrote down wher we went tapi as usual antusemut is a very lazy person and queen of procrastinator (besides the already selfproclaimed queen of small talk :P)
the top 5 place antusemut is recommending to eat in Bangkok:
1. Sara Restaurant, New World Lodge, Banglumphu
2. Nasi ayam kuning, food court MBK
3. Another foodcourt Level 5 kot also at MBK
Actaullay for now i can remeber only those three. hehe sorry. but then again we didnt even manage to go to Arab Street and thers even one Kak Yah and Mak yah restoran also tk smpt pi. i even have nancy map kalau nk pinjam ok.
Anyone watched the Unit which is showing on StarWorld every thursday at 11pm. Its AWESOME to the max. Well since we always miss it sebab tgkla the time, and tak larat nk download (3 season wehh) and ina inot dah pesan, i bought the 'boxset; at patpong street. kesimpulannye sape nk pinjam boleh tapi only after i dah tgkla. my sister for the past week mcm hari2 pun tgk. tataula dah abis ke blom. oh ye la. mau crita. mase nk beli the DVDs tu, kerana ke poyo-an saya, I inisted i wanted to test ALL the DVDs. ALL=13-14 DVDs hehehe i said i got time which we did have. anyways. after the 5th DVD dah rase malas dh but before i manaed to tell them, they were like busy packing mcm kelam kabut lah. so me being the busybody askla kan. imaine my panic when they said theres gonna be a rush. haruslah aku taknak kena tangkap polis let alone akt tmpt orang kann?? so i paidla quickly and we went off. lepas 5 minit then it hit me. rush? what rush? vendor lain ok je muahahahha bodos they could actually just told me off kan. takyah nk berlakon2 itu semua. well bodos to me as well la kan hehhehe
one more one more.
byk lagi nk journalize ni tapi mcm malas :p
yana is in the UKs. (note to self: kena hantar email to yana tanya habaq or at least mesej on ym). dia tgh blaja. masters in automative something. agak gila kan. aku malas dah nk blaja heheh last tiem i remembered one of the objec ive besides studying is supaya dia senang gi concert linkin park o_O ther goes my karaoke and shopping buddy. kena kumpul duit ni so i can crash her place bile pergi bercuti. tak start lagi. mahal laaaaaaaa. thats why i always go on asian holiday or even better cuti2 malaysia.
oraity then.
still tak mengantuk tapi tangan (dan juga kaki and perut yg menyupport notebook ini) dah lenguh sebab menaip sambil baring. ive eyed the latop stand i saw on lelong.com tapi tak beli2 lagi. tak sure ok ke tak. i need to see it in real life first.
cu when i cu.
cau cincau
I'm so not the mangantuk now. especially lepas terkejut tgk beruk horatio (purak2) mati..
so the dramaa kan..
alhamdulliallah notebookku sudah sihat. ONE WEEK ok hatiku gundah gulana. 7 years of stuff. Changed notebook TWICE tapi data still yg sama and still not backed up. anyway now its formatteed, data restored, fan changed and virus free heheh i thot kalau format takyah nk scan dah but the support guy said kena scan. well he did found 1400 viruses!!! oops!!
next. to share. serius. must share.
my newest latest favorite blogs must check daily:
sile pergi baca. sgt addictive. tapi ade downside. kalau takde update (like today) hati akan berasa sedikit kuciwa :(
actually the day i stumbled into the blogs above was 'the' dooms day for my notebook. not to say the cause but it was the daylaa heheh i was busy going through the entries.. yes i have a very bad habit. kalau suka banget terpaksa bace previous entry sampai habis (preferrably on the same day.. u get the idea how time consuming it was ehhehe). so lepas keje md nor ajak hepi hour (perkataaan baru belajar ni) iaitu pi minum teh tarik which i ended up makan nasi goreng but thats not the story. sebab nk baik terus, somehow mase nk hibernate the notebook tiba2 start menu semua hilang. cant even ctrl-alt-del! ye laa malas nk off sebab tak abish baca lagi and i haev so many IE page opened heheheh anyways sebab taknak notebook panas i had to force shutdown tekan butang. and the rest is history. terus tak boleh start. isk isk. terdelayla lagi nk tgk heroes and prison break :(
oops tersidetrack. in short. please go cekout the blogs. inibelogsaya i got it from yogainstructorsdiaries blog and blog jebon tu pulak from inibelogsaya.
ok. im rambling and merapu rapu again. tak sabar nk tgk GG, ugly betty and DH ni. because of the notebook fiesta, 2 episode ok DUA i tell you..dah terdelay. lambat betul la nk tunggu download ni. its not even 30% done. adeiii.. nampak gaya mcm the earliest can wtch is on Saturday... malas nk tgk heroes and prison break malam2 sebab mcm boleh menyetresskan and i dont wnt to have mimpi2 yg serius and penuh action ceewah..
actually the past few weeks i asyik mimpi on how to startegize for my pipemania game. serius tak tipu. sgt memenatkan ok. btw pipemania game dlm DS. last time i used to play pipedream on PC. very syiok and addictive. ina inot is saying a reflexive game baru mcm pipemania/dream yg sgt syok. sejak ader DS i havent been playing PC games at all!
banayk nk cerita ni. nanti dah malas ehehhe
oh yes. I NEED A NEW PHONE. uwaaaaAAAAAaaaaaa. last year punye bonus i didnt get a new phone. lucky for me sebab a few months ;lepas tu my phone got stolen. this year punye bonus pun tak beli phone. but the thing is. UNLUCKY for me duit dah abis and phone pinjam yg digunakan skarang tgh bengong!!!!!! if i talk like for more than 15mins it will autoOFF! and kengkadang the signal will like be LOST so i haf to on off the wireless everytime!! aarghh sgt tak memberangsangkan adeiiiii
did i tell you i went to bangkok last month. no? ok im telling u now. girls getaway. just me and sarah. we stayed at this place. nice budget place. recommended. hows bangkok? minus the dinner river cruise, cultural shows (yg tk sempat tgk), bangkok is not bad, sangat menyengkekkan and worth coming again :) kalau nk tips especially halal food (i'm an always hungry person) can ask. I'll just list the names in case i forget in the future. I did wrote down wher we went tapi as usual antusemut is a very lazy person and queen of procrastinator (besides the already selfproclaimed queen of small talk :P)
the top 5 place antusemut is recommending to eat in Bangkok:
1. Sara Restaurant, New World Lodge, Banglumphu
2. Nasi ayam kuning, food court MBK
3. Another foodcourt Level 5 kot also at MBK
Actaullay for now i can remeber only those three. hehe sorry. but then again we didnt even manage to go to Arab Street and thers even one Kak Yah and Mak yah restoran also tk smpt pi. i even have nancy map kalau nk pinjam ok.
Anyone watched the Unit which is showing on StarWorld every thursday at 11pm. Its AWESOME to the max. Well since we always miss it sebab tgkla the time, and tak larat nk download (3 season wehh) and ina inot dah pesan, i bought the 'boxset; at patpong street. kesimpulannye sape nk pinjam boleh tapi only after i dah tgkla. my sister for the past week mcm hari2 pun tgk. tataula dah abis ke blom. oh ye la. mau crita. mase nk beli the DVDs tu, kerana ke poyo-an saya, I inisted i wanted to test ALL the DVDs. ALL=13-14 DVDs hehehe i said i got time which we did have. anyways. after the 5th DVD dah rase malas dh but before i manaed to tell them, they were like busy packing mcm kelam kabut lah. so me being the busybody askla kan. imaine my panic when they said theres gonna be a rush. haruslah aku taknak kena tangkap polis let alone akt tmpt orang kann?? so i paidla quickly and we went off. lepas 5 minit then it hit me. rush? what rush? vendor lain ok je muahahahha bodos they could actually just told me off kan. takyah nk berlakon2 itu semua. well bodos to me as well la kan hehhehe
one more one more.
byk lagi nk journalize ni tapi mcm malas :p
yana is in the UKs. (note to self: kena hantar email to yana tanya habaq or at least mesej on ym). dia tgh blaja. masters in automative something. agak gila kan. aku malas dah nk blaja heheh last tiem i remembered one of the objec ive besides studying is supaya dia senang gi concert linkin park o_O ther goes my karaoke and shopping buddy. kena kumpul duit ni so i can crash her place bile pergi bercuti. tak start lagi. mahal laaaaaaaa. thats why i always go on asian holiday or even better cuti2 malaysia.
oraity then.
still tak mengantuk tapi tangan (dan juga kaki and perut yg menyupport notebook ini) dah lenguh sebab menaip sambil baring. ive eyed the latop stand i saw on lelong.com tapi tak beli2 lagi. tak sure ok ke tak. i need to see it in real life first.
cu when i cu.
cau cincau
Monday, November 03, 2008
sunhunt 2008 update
hello hello.
tgh bersedih ni. Connected Thinking didnt make the top10 cut again this year. We're still merely announced numbers. adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
So for 16th place, we got ourselves a philips mp3 4GB video player okla :)
sliiiightly better than last year in terms of ranking but man this time everything was quite bad. the slowness, blurness, karatness of finding answers, the laziness to get out of the car (what's new eh) and most importantly time management fail lagi!!!!
we got 7 bloody wrongs where 2 of them were careless, stoopid, tergesa2 mistakes. kalau tak, ader chance dpt top 10. ceewah. i hate if onlys...*sigh*
one of the question was soemthing about removing a you, and you get a fan of the paper.
the answer was sun louver. u remove the u, you get sunlover. of course if we've seen this, we would have taken this answer. But nooo, we did remove the u (from umen).... hehehe i guess this is aishah and my doing. blinded by the you know.. men... but the part that i cant accept is that its on the same board.. if only..... adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
the 2nd one was the HC answer. The good thing is we were looking for HC. the bad thing is we found it elsewhere. We answered Home Cook Recipe something. If you take the initials you still get HC kan.. I guess we were that hungry :P
Anyways, kudos to our friends, eza, rizal, jeff and fm of micro focus who got in 2nd. I guess they're now masters! Sangat hebat.
Another mention is Am's team no 37. Newbies (ceewah) but managed to have a ranking in the sunhunt. hebatla tu kan :))
ok ecah, khairie, djae, we (have to) do better next year ok.
cau cincau
tgh bersedih ni. Connected Thinking didnt make the top10 cut again this year. We're still merely announced numbers. adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
So for 16th place, we got ourselves a philips mp3 4GB video player okla :)
sliiiightly better than last year in terms of ranking but man this time everything was quite bad. the slowness, blurness, karatness of finding answers, the laziness to get out of the car (what's new eh) and most importantly time management fail lagi!!!!
we got 7 bloody wrongs where 2 of them were careless, stoopid, tergesa2 mistakes. kalau tak, ader chance dpt top 10. ceewah. i hate if onlys...*sigh*
one of the question was soemthing about removing a you, and you get a fan of the paper.
the answer was sun louver. u remove the u, you get sunlover. of course if we've seen this, we would have taken this answer. But nooo, we did remove the u (from umen).... hehehe i guess this is aishah and my doing. blinded by the you know.. men... but the part that i cant accept is that its on the same board.. if only..... adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
the 2nd one was the HC answer. The good thing is we were looking for HC. the bad thing is we found it elsewhere. We answered Home Cook Recipe something. If you take the initials you still get HC kan.. I guess we were that hungry :P
Anyways, kudos to our friends, eza, rizal, jeff and fm of micro focus who got in 2nd. I guess they're now masters! Sangat hebat.
Another mention is Am's team no 37. Newbies (ceewah) but managed to have a ranking in the sunhunt. hebatla tu kan :))
ok ecah, khairie, djae, we (have to) do better next year ok.
cau cincau
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
antusemut is very the malas tahap gaban these days.. adeiiii
maybe after my cuti cuti, i will be more geared up
raya is coming soon
i dont feel anything.. at all! i keep on asking myself apsal bile dengar lagu raya, i don;t feel syahdu at all. seriously. ina inot said sebab im already like old.. really?
anybody wants to give antusemut words of wisdom, encouragement, tips on anything or share juicy gossips?????
maybe after my cuti cuti, i will be more geared up
raya is coming soon
i dont feel anything.. at all! i keep on asking myself apsal bile dengar lagu raya, i don;t feel syahdu at all. seriously. ina inot said sebab im already like old.. really?
anybody wants to give antusemut words of wisdom, encouragement, tips on anything or share juicy gossips?????
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008

Anyways, apart from feelign veryy bllody sleepy now and having to control my patience for my very bloody slow notebook, i can't stop grinning since yesterday. Steph & Jeslyn gave me a birthday watch. Yes a watch! A watch i chose myself!! See the image attached on the left. i love it! Im still surprised though. Yesterday, they came all the way from Cheras to the Curve and surprised me with the surprise of wanting to get me a birthday present. Im so touched isk isk isk
Steph & Jeslyn: XOXOXO x 1million times :P
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Bali Mirrors for Sale!!!

I didn't tell you about our small venture, did i?? oops..
well we're (me, ina inot and leman) still considered baby entrepenuers.
sangat mentah i tell you.
hurry and checkout the offered mirrors on our fotopages page: http://haslihb.fotopages.com/ got no time (yet!) to come up with a bombastic site. so this will haf to do for now.
the one shown above is one of my favorites. cantikkan?!!!!
basically (besides ehem ehem malaysia) i love bali, i love bali people, i love bali beach, i love bali stuffs, i love bali kuta and i sure love bali mirrors :P
haf a great long weekend frens
cau cincau
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
surat pendek untuk cewah II
mag digicam april 2008 malaysian version sudah di beli.
1. now how do i pass it to you? do u knwo anyone in the airport? you want me to mail it to you? or?
2. what exactly is the exact title of the motorspotbike mag you wanted? exact title please.
your prompt response is appreciated. thank you.
please tell nana banana aka nana ariesha ill be drafting a letter to her soon.
till then
cau cincau
mag digicam april 2008 malaysian version sudah di beli.
1. now how do i pass it to you? do u knwo anyone in the airport? you want me to mail it to you? or?
2. what exactly is the exact title of the motorspotbike mag you wanted? exact title please.
your prompt response is appreciated. thank you.
please tell nana banana aka nana ariesha ill be drafting a letter to her soon.
till then
cau cincau
Monday, April 14, 2008
surat utk ceewah
Oi ceewah,
apa ko buat mengecheck blog aku?? aku dh la mengupdate setahun skali.. itupun kalau rajin hehehe
aku skarang sangat busyyyyyy sampai nk membebel dlm blog or even bloghopping pun tak sempat. sangat busy. busy main game :P
bile mu pindah kertehh????? siap jadik engineer platform algi tuuu.. powerr.. ko jadik engineer drilling angin sejuk ke? heheh.. nampoaknye terpaksala slalu check blog orang yg "keboringan" di platform. musti akan ader byk updates.. siap lupa ko dah ader farah aaaand fatin :P pawi tatau la dah beranak ke blom. mustila dah kot kan. ko musti tau
oi aku akan ke kt next two weeks. aku nk melawat ikang ikang di lautan yg luas terbentang di terengganu. so ko nk aku bawak ape2 dr kl ke.. domino pizza ke? big apples donut ke? hohoho.. but seriusly let me know ok. aku bleh tinggalkan kat counter airport.
ok dah malas. wanted to type all the above in ur comments box tapi panjang so haf to resort to here. skarang perlu pulang. bella the drama is waiting for me. then i haf to watch "kawin muda" on tv1. syioookk i tell u.
so take care. cu when i cu.
cau cincau
yg benar,
apa ko buat mengecheck blog aku?? aku dh la mengupdate setahun skali.. itupun kalau rajin hehehe
aku skarang sangat busyyyyyy sampai nk membebel dlm blog or even bloghopping pun tak sempat. sangat busy. busy main game :P
bile mu pindah kertehh????? siap jadik engineer platform algi tuuu.. powerr.. ko jadik engineer drilling angin sejuk ke? heheh.. nampoaknye terpaksala slalu check blog orang yg "keboringan" di platform. musti akan ader byk updates.. siap lupa ko dah ader farah aaaand fatin :P pawi tatau la dah beranak ke blom. mustila dah kot kan. ko musti tau
oi aku akan ke kt next two weeks. aku nk melawat ikang ikang di lautan yg luas terbentang di terengganu. so ko nk aku bawak ape2 dr kl ke.. domino pizza ke? big apples donut ke? hohoho.. but seriusly let me know ok. aku bleh tinggalkan kat counter airport.
ok dah malas. wanted to type all the above in ur comments box tapi panjang so haf to resort to here. skarang perlu pulang. bella the drama is waiting for me. then i haf to watch "kawin muda" on tv1. syioookk i tell u.
so take care. cu when i cu.
cau cincau
yg benar,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
hallooooOOOOOOOooo halloooOOOooo
goshhh.. 3 months have past for year 2008 and my last post was in december!! early december!!
i guess theres nothing much interesting for me to share *sigh*
im supposed to do my appraisal which was supposed to be submitted yesterday tapi sangat bloody malas. so why not do some blabbing eh
so for my own record, what did i do hmmm *sigh again*
in no particular order:
1. ina inot got leman nintendo wii. we luv. anyone wants to comeoverf for a wii party let me. we have looooooots of wii party games heheh
2. i got myself a nintendo ds lite. ina bought one soon after heheh
3. we got charlie brown, the cat #2. he now has more fur. and hiro has grown up but not yet a man.
4. went to an all expense paid for trip to langkawi (with ina inots in laws family)
5. our company had its annual dinner (after so many years) and i won the best creative "costume" again.
is that all??? my life's not that interesting eh..
hmm my brother is gettign engaged in 2 weeks time.
and im still fat. adeiiiiiiiii..
i need an island retreat.
pstt i already have my own snorkelling mask, fin and even a wet bag. it was meant for the langkawi trip which i thought (i repeat: i thought! isk isk) pulau payar to be in the itenerary.
oraity then
nothing much for me to babble..
so bloody boringg..
wher r thou my hemsem prince. i so need to be saved and swept to a tropical island now!!!!!!!!
i guess theres nothing much interesting for me to share *sigh*
im supposed to do my appraisal which was supposed to be submitted yesterday tapi sangat bloody malas. so why not do some blabbing eh
so for my own record, what did i do hmmm *sigh again*
in no particular order:
1. ina inot got leman nintendo wii. we luv. anyone wants to comeoverf for a wii party let me. we have looooooots of wii party games heheh
2. i got myself a nintendo ds lite. ina bought one soon after heheh
3. we got charlie brown, the cat #2. he now has more fur. and hiro has grown up but not yet a man.
4. went to an all expense paid for trip to langkawi (with ina inots in laws family)
5. our company had its annual dinner (after so many years) and i won the best creative "costume" again.
is that all??? my life's not that interesting eh..
hmm my brother is gettign engaged in 2 weeks time.
and im still fat. adeiiiiiiiii..
i need an island retreat.
pstt i already have my own snorkelling mask, fin and even a wet bag. it was meant for the langkawi trip which i thought (i repeat: i thought! isk isk) pulau payar to be in the itenerary.
oraity then
nothing much for me to babble..
so bloody boringg..
wher r thou my hemsem prince. i so need to be saved and swept to a tropical island now!!!!!!!!
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