Monday, February 23, 2009

its just 545pm but it feels like its already 7pm!!
u bet im having monday blues isk isk
i arrived a bit late this morning, so i cant go back sharp at 5 today can i..
heheh hari ni confirm ader one of my screws loose :P

m nor just called ajak happy hour. i think ill pass la today..
arinih nk balik awal la.. nak balik umah terus..

arinih ader rase nk main guitar.. guitar hero la tapinye heheh
yes we now have one at home.ina inot bought for leman's birthday.
we wanted to buy another guitar smlm tapi mahal gile RM280 for just the guitar isk isk forget it. main gilir2 je la. nanti dah terer and cukup duit baru boleh consider nk belil rockband eh :P

okay time to go.
im still to lazy to blog about the trips.
oh last last week we even went to sg congkak for aishah's so called hen night
jauuhhhhhhh gileeee from kota damansara but not bad, syok!
the river is just like 2 steps away from our picnic place.
tapi esok2 la i give the details ok.
have a great week ahead.

cau cincau!

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