errrrrrrrrrr.. somebodys pourin her heart out??

i haf a fuckin'
headache at the moment...must be for coughin my head off..
adeiiiiiiiii...ther it goes again (the coughin) *sigh* sabar yong sabar.. btw ive watched
Infernal Affairs III... errrr its damn confusinggg...(altho i watched both
I and II) hmm i tell bout this later la eh
:)ive got an amanah to fulfill...
WARNING: this entry will be a long one..veryy
loooOOOong one.. a fren of mine requested this to be published in (of all blogs!!) this blog.. *sigh* things u do to make frens happy.. *grin*
short intro by antusemut (im tryin very hard, not that good wif wordings u know..) a good fren of ours wrote this and shared it wif her frens...
the thing was she was in *cough*
love *cough* (wif that guy) for err
7 yrs and they even got
engaged!! and then suddenly
bammm the engagement was
broken off and the
bastard guy got someone else!!
the climax is that recently they (my fren , the guy &wife) met at a school
reunion, and thats wher the story below starts... err by the looks she seems to be over the guy..hopefullyy
:)) u go girll!! takpe nanti i'll ask her..
in the on..
cau cincau from antusemut and
haf a nice weekend frenss @}-->-->--
So I, the consort of an absent mind,
The emerald lost in a green waste of time,
The castaway for whom all space is island-
To follow, find, escape, this thread in hand,
Warp myself out upon the swelling past.
Alhamdulillah…whoa…what a relief…. First thing first, a hard kick to myself..hiyaaaa!! for waiting this long and remaining faithful being an idiot proof all these while. Secondly I was finally given the chance to confront my eerie past… so there I was saying hi to him, (note: I was the one who initiate after all the horrible things he said to me) and cheerfully introduce myself to the wife (of course she knew me, who doesn't hahahaha). Another interesting observation to make is that the moment I said hi to the 'swine' and the wife in split seconds hold on to his hand for her dear life… 2 points for me… ok I was dressed a bit flashy on one side and simple on the other… I was dressed all black (note again the slimming effect that I needed most) and so did he…uurrgghhh…
Ok we were first seated on the same table across each other..what an awkward situation hardly anyone said anything…I was engage in conversation with a guy friend whom I haven't see for almost 7 years..(not going to strike him) then as more people came in, I instinctively move to the other table so the rest of the girls…except for his wife… Oh ya! Firhan and Emi were such a darling that day….not only to each other but to me also lah of course. They planned to bring me to Rasta later to let me see the coffee guy which I will later divulge….
So as the night went on…I did actually have a lot of fun.. I flirted with XY (no pun intended) the best part was that each time I made myself to the seafood place I can see gleeful eyesssss following me..( from the tables on the floor) … of course these guys are the Tom, Harry and Dicken kindda guy.. alas I don't give a damn .. Come on! these are the majority and the majority rule….
So these are some of the observation I made myself and again no pun intended as well…
1. there is a hikmah in your misfortune (as if u people don't know it already)
2. what does not kill you will make you stronger
3. black does have the slimming effect especially so with the help of fitting corset.
4. being the dumped person will win you the heart of all people all time
5. love is not everything but money is
6. your girlfriends are your most valuable assets
7. that you are a "manikam" … and most of the jauharri are still blind to see it
8. never trust anything the guys said about ur ex's wife/girlfriend especially if they say she's better
9. that you are judged by your job, money you earn, the car u drive so don't bother being miss personality or congeniality (bittcchh ! *sneeze* Excuse me!)
10. The coffee guy is cute but not gorgeous/ unquenchable enough to drink.. muahahaha
It would be strange
If at a crucial question, in wild-beast dens
Or cellars sweating with pain the stammerers
Should find their confidence.
It would be more than strange
If the devil we raised to avenge our envy, grief,
Weakness, should take our hand like a prince and raise us
And say, "I forgive'.I did make some indication to the girls to move around and mix so we didn't end up like we were in UIA, guys one table and girls one table. But without success they were so fixated and fascinated with my tales. So the bomb came from XY the day after.. he said it was so obvious that I was running away from him..i mean avoiding him.. oblivious duh… I was the one he dumped, the one the reason he changed his handphone number and kept it a big secret from, , the one was never invited for the wedding, he was the one who marry his prize trophy wife, etc.. and you want me to go to him and do what? beg? Or should I say.."So did u say I love you and can't live without you to her too?" or "So, how long u plan being marry to her?:" hey I was the one who said hi in the first place being a gentleman as usual… and I knew enough whatever I need to know about them….needless say more i still have my pride u see…
According to AB a friend who followed me, she told me she thought that she would ended being left out because she was not one of the BWP (ask me later lah k) but it was his wife who doesn't even make an effort to get to know us… well the Swine also didn't make any move to introduce the poor wife to us… what lah… I found out that too, the wife is certainly to me no better that I am (please do not infer otherwise anything I said here) … well he might have had marry the best for himself but certainly never better than me..refer to No. 8 observation. ..
So later that night we went to Rasta and Firhan had arranged the Coffee guy to explain to us everything under the hot sun about the coffee. Well I flirted with him but he took no notice of that, never mind that. I was so endorphin high by then (maybe from the coffee, maybe from the seafood) that I was this close to orgasm ….oohhh behave!!!!
The Heartsease
Do you remember that hour
In a nook of the flowing uplands
When you found for me, at the cornfield's edge,
A golden and purple flower?
Heartsease, you said. I thought it might be
A token that love meant well by you and me.
I shall not find it again
With you no more to guide me.
I could not bear to find it now
With anyone else beside me.
And the heartsease is far less rare
That what it is named for, what I can feel nowhere.
Once again it is summer:
Wildflowers beflag the lane
That takes me away from our golden uplands,
Heart-wrung and alone.
The best I can look for, by vale or hill,
A herb they tell me is common enough- self-heal. So E, don't bother bout our plan to burn his photos and stuff before the new year… he just don't merit the effort we'll take to do it…. As soon as I got back I puffed away as if I just bought the Window and Microsoft from Bill Gate and planning to revoke the American licences to use it. For my New Year's Adam, I told MN that I would just go out with any Tom Dick and Harry to have fun…no restriction, no boundaries beyond prepaid…. Heck, if we being choosy we'll miss all the fun. Thought we were already smart enough chosing the best one for us just to find out later he was not…that I know is so frustrating … note not everyone is lucky ok…even if you are, chances are you'll probably not in my mailing lists to receive this …. With or without guy/s we shall see my new adventure in the coming new year… hi 2004….
P/S : my end conquest, I shall find myself a gorgeous looking guy to marry, if all man are jerks….at least mine have a reason to be one right? On the other 'bright' side, I can still shag him with eyes open and the lights on… except the occasion when my cellulite would be obviously noticeable… So when I ……. wait the minute, I just saw a handsome Dick passing by… see you guys later k…
Happy New Year!