Friday, February 25, 2005

MPH Warehouse Stock Clearance Sale!!

MPH Warehouse Stock Clearance Sale!!


haf u guys visited the sale? haf u? haf u?

25-28 February 2005
Kompleks Sukan MPPJ
9:30am - 7:00pm

you can get more details here
actually i knew bout the sale rather late.. lucky me i bumped into mukeh's

ive went already on the 23rd&24th for the so-called exclusive preview for members,
the only bad thing is tht it closes at 7pm!!
can u imagine ppl coming back from work, with the jams and wat not.. sheeshh..

can u imagine..
we arrived 4 mnints(!) before closing time and i insisted on going in jugak!
with the closing annoucement every second,
i still managed to get four books and a semi-sized burnt hole in my purse.. :P
but that didnt stop me from going the next day...
I was veryyyyyyy stressed.. of course its work related..
so i called up dot and hangkut tejin skalii... hehehehe..
we sure had fun picking up books!
yummyyyyy.. me and dot even went crazy over those RM1, RM2, RM3, RM5 offered books!

but but but
i still feel like going againnnnnnnnnn..
how how how..


the thought of reading the newly purchased books excites me..
but then again I still haf one unfinished book (James Clavell's Shogun) and one more on the top of the to-read list..


hmmm.. here's a sneak prview of some of the betseller books which i managed to grab at 30% doscount off:

1. John Grisham's THE BROKER (cheap i tell you, hardcover some more)
2. Dan Brown's ANGELS & DEMON
3. cant remember Ian Caldwell's & Dustin Thomason's THE RULE OF FOUR
4. cant remember Bill Bryson's A SHORT HISTORY OF NEARLY EVERYTHING
5. cant remember

hehehhe.. im sorryyy ader sedikit itu hilang ingatan..

oh and btw,
haf u heard...

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is coming soon (July!)
but then I waited since last Christmas... kena tipuu.. misleading information *sob* *sob*
so I guess a few more months of waiting is bearable la kot eh..

later later ill tell you about this one particular bookstore whcih i very much like like like.. somewer in Subang Square.. its called err something Concept kot.. i hope by the time i get enough infos (especially on how to get ther!), it is still in business :))

wokeh i gtg
nak balik balik balikk

a short shoutout to didie if&when she reads this:


haf a nice weekend frens
cau cincau

Monday, February 21, 2005

I got lost indeed.. :P

referring to the prvious post..
ill talk about this later plus some non-related stories (if any)..
this will be a reminder for me since i got work at the moment

so till then..

Friday, February 18, 2005

whats on antusemut's mind rite now...

im still in the office
mane si bi nih..
since shes driving back home, i cant wait to take a nap in the car.. hehhehe
i need the rest what since i'll be working tonite :))


uwaaaaaaaaaaaa.. im scared as hell rite now..
tonight will be my 'inaugural' drive to the data center.. alone
not that ive driven before with somebody else
normally i'll just be the loyal passenger..
but tonight
i'll be alone.. all alone..
takutttttttttt gilerrr..

so far from the hse im confident enough to get to sunway toll
after that... well we'll see.. :P
pls pray for my well being

ive talked to like everyone about the routes
i guess and hope ill understand better when i see the road and signboards..

uwaaaaaaaaaaa takut gileee..

friday blues...

its friday
MAS travel fair starts tomorrow
iv no plans of going (anywhere)
sbb takde pitis.. uwaaaaaaaaAAAaaaaa

*yawn* am sooOooo bloddy sleepyyyy.. *yawn*
cant even think properly

must be the nasi ayam
had nasi ayam @picnic for lunch just now
tak sempat nak window shopping pun
by the time back @workplace
my eyelids are already 70% down

ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk!!!
the 5 minits nap didnt help
still feel sleeppyyyyy
managed to get a temporary 'tanda' on the forehead tho

but only 2 more hours to gooo
ill survuve
but then also got work tonight *sigh*
pls pls dont let me get lost on the way to the data centre karang!!

watever it is still have to stay alert A-L-E-R-T
wish me luck

till then
cau cincau

Thursday, February 17, 2005


we had a blackout @ the ofis just now..
and guess wher i was at the moment..

yup.. in the ladies..
and no, if u are wandering.. i was already 95% done.. :P
and yes, keadaan sungguh gelap gulita at the moment.. veryyyyyyyy dark i tell ya..

but the thing is, since i only heard my terkejutness sigh the moment the lights went totally out, i wasnt expecting company outside at the sink area..

imagine my surprise, as i was looking for the dustbin, sortof meng-gagau gagau.. suddenly i felt something soft.. of course i let out a yelp.. it was a hand.. a ladies hand..

after a few minits of getting my breath back.. only then i remembered.. she has an eyesight problem.. i guess all she sees everyday is blackouts..

so dear frens, we are lucky we are blessed with an eyesight and still have it.. so be grateful of what you have and DO NOT forget ALLAH YANG MAHA ESA!!

ya Allah ya tuhanku, aku bersyukur dengan ape yg diberi.. semoga dijauhkan malapetaka dari aku dan keluargaku.. aamin..
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

siapa pernah kena "gigit hantu"??

siapa pernah kena "gigit hantu"??

hi ther frens..

u know wot..

saya sangat rase mengamuk pagi tadi...

see.. its back.. i haf my fullest guts feeling that its coming back!!! soon!!!

nope! not talking bout the coming sunhunt 2005.. *hint* *hint* hehehhe

its my PMS..

so stay away people!

the first sign i got was this morning during a discussion..

can u imagine..

we were in a middle of a discussion.. its a one-to-one discussion mind you, when this guy got the call.. if u must know its from his boss and it was a business call.. so this guy went on talking and talking, but then he had the nerve to get up and disucss some stuff with his colleague and left me waiting..

so after a few minutes of waiting, i got up and showed my annoyed face.. fortunate for him to ntoice and said sorry plus hafing the nerve again to say that he had accidently forgotten bout me.. &%*&% dah hampir nak mengamuk dah aku mase tuu.. but i stayed on.. since he did say.. give me one minute..

so i went to the ladies and back.. and he was still not finished yacking.. tak boleh jadik nih.. this is like (felt) already sejuta minit nih. i actually waited a few miniutes more, then after a little bit of thinking, i stormed out without even ackonowledgeing him.. do u think i was being rude? i did felt bad but but this is shittyy mann... don't u think?

how does it relates to my PMS? well u still need something or someone to blame eh.. hehheh.. actually if it were'nt for my supposed to be PMS, i could have been more patient.. watdya think? nahhhh i don think soo also.. muahhahahaha

actually im not hafing such a good day today.. the skirt im wearing today has this not nice smell.. and i hate being in public with such a smell.. i do hope its just in my mind..pls pls pls.. but. damnn that is wat happens if you wash your own clothes.. handwash some more! :P.. it was dry though so im still wondering why its giving the not so nice smell.. li'll guess i haf to stick to sending clothes to the laundry lady.. *sigh* but im gonna try with using a softener first.. wish me luck eh!

gosh, its been awhile since i last did my ramblings..

yeahhh.. if you were to be thinking - she must have nothing interesting to story... then you are thinking right my friend.. hehehhe..

as usual.. malas malas malas..

for the past few weeks, ive been busy with work, finding a new place, moving to the new place, thinking bout the future (more of berangan.. heheh), gong xi fa cai and most importantly awal muharram.. new year.. must have new resolution eh..

anyways, moving into this new place was a big change for me.. u know after youve lived somewher for like nearly 3 years.. it was kinda sad to moveout of the place.. sortof already getting attached to it.. thats why you haf to read the who moved my cheese book.. i guess it'll help you to face changes.. didnt quite work wif me though.. hahahha.. agaknyelaaa

i don do well even with the word motivation.. it makes me sleeeEEppy :P im also a veryyyyyyyyyyy fickled-minded person and i always succumb to what ppl say.. more of a lalang.. but then again.. in the end i'll still think about it and make my own decision.. im not making any sense, am I?


i gotta stay focus.. F-O-C-U-S

lately nih, ever since pindah umah baru, by 10pm im already half dead. ngantuk gile.. either the surrouding is very comfy to easily feel sleepy or i haf a problem.. the first few days in the house was okay, then dot came over bringing a small plant.. the next morning both me and dot got lebam lebam, u know "kena gigit hantu", so i told dot it must be because of the plant.. and i insisted on putting the plant outside in the living room.. hmmm yesterday si bi was sleeping outside.. i better check wif her la eh to confirm..

btw, now im living with my brother and a fren.. my fren.. from work.. yes dont ask.. so far so good.. and i hope it stays good for a long time.. heheheh... the bad thing is that the place is veryyyyyyyyyy near to OU and IKEA.. i gotta save more money for shopping starting from next months gaji.. as of right now.. im already broke.. :((

but my shopping list is still long! somemore need to think of a housewarming thingee.. alhamdulillah the doa selamat was done awal2 dahh..

aiyaaa i gtg

lunchtime is nearly over.. i had my morning sandwich today since i already had roti canai mamak for breakfast.. i know.. bad yong bad..

till then

in case thers no more ramblings for this week, do have a nice weekend

cau cincau