Friday, February 18, 2005

friday blues...

its friday
MAS travel fair starts tomorrow
iv no plans of going (anywhere)
sbb takde pitis.. uwaaaaaaaaAAAaaaaa

*yawn* am sooOooo bloddy sleepyyyy.. *yawn*
cant even think properly

must be the nasi ayam
had nasi ayam @picnic for lunch just now
tak sempat nak window shopping pun
by the time back @workplace
my eyelids are already 70% down

ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk!!!
the 5 minits nap didnt help
still feel sleeppyyyyy
managed to get a temporary 'tanda' on the forehead tho

but only 2 more hours to gooo
ill survuve
but then also got work tonight *sigh*
pls pls dont let me get lost on the way to the data centre karang!!

watever it is still have to stay alert A-L-E-R-T
wish me luck

till then
cau cincau

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