Thursday, February 17, 2005


we had a blackout @ the ofis just now..
and guess wher i was at the moment..

yup.. in the ladies..
and no, if u are wandering.. i was already 95% done.. :P
and yes, keadaan sungguh gelap gulita at the moment.. veryyyyyyyy dark i tell ya..

but the thing is, since i only heard my terkejutness sigh the moment the lights went totally out, i wasnt expecting company outside at the sink area..

imagine my surprise, as i was looking for the dustbin, sortof meng-gagau gagau.. suddenly i felt something soft.. of course i let out a yelp.. it was a hand.. a ladies hand..

after a few minits of getting my breath back.. only then i remembered.. she has an eyesight problem.. i guess all she sees everyday is blackouts..

so dear frens, we are lucky we are blessed with an eyesight and still have it.. so be grateful of what you have and DO NOT forget ALLAH YANG MAHA ESA!!

ya Allah ya tuhanku, aku bersyukur dengan ape yg diberi.. semoga dijauhkan malapetaka dari aku dan keluargaku.. aamin..

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