Monday, November 19, 2007


im sleepy like crazyy
no thanks to shasha the cat

and my notebook now got spyware
i was being extra careful after lasst times experience
but somehow my notebook was weng that day and i guess the popoup blocker was not turned on

adik laki bertuah aku guna.
sedar2 dah ader spyware.

i hate spywares!!
this one every few seconds it comes out with a message saying windows has detected spyware infection and not just that my control panel is also missing

malas betul aku nk reformat the whole notebook
i hope i dont haf to got to that extent (or ist extend??)



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

call je 1-3333 for help mana tau tak yah reformat :P

nway thanks for the makan2 betul ke sedap charkwayteaw niiii bila nak ajak makan lagi?

sorry hari tu tak sempat nak amik gambar terlampau sibuk makan :P