Monday, September 28, 2009

tj oh tj tu la degil

this is tj. definitely not his finest shot. he got into a catfight last night but now he's okay. ciaaaaaaaaaaan tj. tu la dah cakap jgn keluar, sibuk jugak nk keluar! isk isk
actually im not sure when did he exactly terkeluar. i was th elast person masuk malam tadi so i guess i was the one who acidentally let him out T________T
last night, while i was busy watching drop dead diva and boy recruiting his mafias, we heard a very terrible catfight. i was like, huh nasib baik kucing semua dalam umah.
well tak nasib baik rupenye!
just now since i woke up early on a cuti day (saya cuti hari ini, nak bawak opah checkup), i decided to feed the cats their wetfood. normally selepas menyahut "tamteh, tj, coco, siputih and tumtum makaaaaaaan" confirm semua akan kelaur from they hiding place tapi panggil punye panggil,tj still tak datang. umah kecik je dan still tak jumpa. hati dah tak keruan dah, so i decided to go out and carik from floor to floor. sbb there was one time, tj terkeluar then waited in front someoe elses door but tersalah level. tj oh tj. i started from level 9 downwards and in between the levels tu dgr la sayup sayup suara mcm tj nangis lagi lah galak aku carik. it turned out he was downstairs. yes sila imagine. no didnt take the stairs (haruslah tak kan, kamu gile?? hehe)
so itu lah dia. lepas di siram air, tak mau di pegang and tak mau makan :(
now he is still in that position but opah dah taruk towel. keciannya tj. kaki dah tempang, hopefully not permanent. karang kena bawak gi vet. ntah brapa la pulak bil dia kali ni isk isk opah cakap tak payahla biar opah sapu minyk gamat. well.. gamat pun gamat but still nk kasik doktor checkla. mummy (<-- wow dah ikut ina inot) dia kan kaya (aaminnn) isk isk
note to self, aku jumpa kucing oren (pasti dia punye) akan ku ignore dia. jahat. sian tj.
cau cincau

Sunday, September 27, 2009

saya masih ada di sini

halooOOoo halooOOOoo
can u believe it dah seminggu dah lepas raya and soon it will be deepavali, then raya haji, then christmas, then another new year!!!!! time sure flies bloody fast but:
1. antusemut is still lazy
2. antusemut is still always not having enough money
3. antusemut is still fat (and getting more heavier by the day) T___T
4. and most importantly antusemut still have not found her prince charming <-- berangan lagi budak ni kan heheh

oh man.
baru je rase nk berceloteh, perasaan malas menyerang kembali
zue was telling just now about bloggers who earn money by blogging.. adalah rase teruja kan
but then again, the feeling utk memblogging hari2 has stopped like a few years back
nowadays, everytime there's something/anything interesting to share, the best i can do is 'thinking' about it in the head on wat to write and thats about it *sigh*


im getting old (and boring!)
maybe too much of perezhilton??? o_O

oh well
banyak nk cerita tapi masih malas
mau mandi lah nk cuba sabun baruuuuuuu

till then
cau cincau

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

im 31 today.
older but wiser i guess heheh

*haven't thought of anything yet since the past resolutions pun tak setel lagi heheh

ok mau pulang
thank you notes dlm facebook pun tak abis lagi isk isk
susah betul takde internet access at home ni T__T so kenala 'pinjam' waktu ofis 'sikit' :
cau cincau

Monday, June 08, 2009

Quick Breaking News :P

hi there.
nk cakap busy tak jugak but bloody lazy so haf to update in bullet form je la. lain kali baru boleh eloborate ok.

1. TAMTEH dh beranak. hari ini 8 june 2009. TJ dapat dua adik. kalau lagi 2 hari sure some besday ngan nenek dia. aku dah jadik nenek dh isk isk.
2. dah pindah umah baru. dah 3 weeks ok hehe kalau rajin nanti saya tangkap gambar
3. ...

haaa itu je ke??!! tadi rase mcm banyak je nk bagitau. demm.
nanti la. now got no internet at home. i procrastinated to transfer my phone line and streamyx. only after 2 weeks baru nk buat now kena tunggu lagi 3-4 weeks padan muka kan T_______T

so hard to blog anywhere anytime ccewah. but then again wireless modem tak beli lagi.
oh kan. lupa nk bagitau last month, there was an electric surge or something at our old place. our modem and astro got hit. so in the meantime ive been using the wired modem. sangat slow and susah nak bergerak.

but now even worst. langsung takde internet. since i wanted to retain my number it needs an extra one week. but now they will need more time because our new block is NEW and they need ot further check. adeiii.. and seperti biase streamyx do not allow you to suspend your account. membazir je bayar tak boleh pakai tensenkan??!!


FLASHING NEWS: in just half an hours gap, TAMTEH dapat lagi dua. now i have 4 new baby cats O_o. please congratulate me isk isk. opah said takpe insyaAllah rezeki murah lagi.. aamin. tapi kecian kat opah la since opah yg kena bersihkan pasir. i know saya sgt keji tapi i cant. ok tak pernah try tapi macam tak boleh isk isk. im just the food and pasir provider. boleh? terukkan saya

ok tak sabar nk balik nk tgk cucu ceewah

cau cincau

Sunday, May 17, 2009


movers will be coming on tuesday and my room is still like a tongkang pecah.
so many things tak kemas lagiiii.
i started last sunday, had a break of 6 days (read: malas) and just continued this morning but not after spongebob and transformers animated and now im busy chcking out blogs and the room is still a frakking mess.. aaarghhhhhh!!!!!!

the ironborad was full of clothes but had to shove them off sbb abang hiro nk tidur. katil ader, iron board jugak yg dia pilih. mummy and daddy dia takde thats why he's in my room, kalau tak takdenye nk tidur ngan saya isk isk no cant take pictures. camera broken T___T and the blackberry im using is yg zaman batu punye <--- quoted from a friend yg sgt tak bertimabang rase but then again she's a lawyer and using blackberry bold rasenye hehe

ok i just had a look around my room and tried some magic words. gagal. bilik still bersepah and hiro still sedap tidur. eee malasnye. esok dahla kena bangun awal. tukang cat grill nk dtg pukul 8 pagi. yes 8 pagi!!! membazir cuti aku. tapi dah plan with opah, we'll be having breakfast kat umah baru tapi atas lantai la.

so bile nk kemas ni??!!!! malas malas malas malas malas. confirm lepas ni still takkan sambung. im planning to watch psych sambil tertidur. dah masuk 2nd season dah ni hehe. takpelah ill think of something. bangun tgh2 pagi ke... tahts wat i normally do kalau esoknya nk pi holiday. but then again the excitement nk pergi bercuti normally trumps laziness and even sleepiness isk isk and plus ni volume besar gilee as compared to one luggage.. adeiiiiiii

kita tgk psych dulu and see how it goes.
tak payah tutup lampulaa but then tak eolok membazir electricity ceewahh
im signing off
nk tepuk si hiro sikit dulu

cau cincau

Friday, May 08, 2009

the new star trek movie (the one which has sylar in it) is awesome to the max!!!!
although i only watch star trek: the next generation... alaa the one which has captain picard and sikit on star trek: enterprise (because of scott bakula.. ahaks)...

im giving this movie 5 out of 5!!!
actually i dont recall this captain kirk isk isk


okay okay okay okay!
after the last line above, tetiba im stumped. dont know wat to write..
in know! im a veryyyyyyyyy bad trekkie, maybe i cant even claim im one isk isk

u shud have seen me mase dlm wayang tadi (ok mungkin tak nampak because it was dark) but at the start and thorughout the movie i was already thinking this movie is awesome, sangat awesome cant wait to blog about this <--- saaaaaaaAAngat poyo kan.. adeiiiii anyways, as usual i turn to my favorite source, google. yes besodes a trekkie and a nerd, im also a very fanatic googler O_o rupenye2 this kirk guy is before captain picard.. in the original series ah so.. heres the link kalau rajin baca tentang asal usul this captain awesome kirk heheh

ader kah perlu saya mendownload series lama itu.
nowadays im not found of old movie/series because of the colour

anyways back to the movie, i just found out that THAT was eric bana and winona ryder!!!
see so many logics to think
okay saya dah merepek

gotta go
tonight baru nk tengok wolverine kalau ader tix

oh ye, i finallyyy got my house keys. yeay for antusemut
itu nanti kita ceritalah ok

haf a great weekend everyone
cau cincau

Saturday, April 18, 2009

isk isk
saya rase mcm nk stress
bukan stress office.. itu lagi malas nk cerita

saya tgh menunggu hari utk mendapatkan kunci umah
tapi bank saya tak habis setel lagi pembayaran
penat ok kena phone developer and bank like nearly everyday
but the stress part is ina inot dah dapt kunci!!!

wat if by the end of the month aku still tk dpt kunci
memang panik
tengokla nanti macamana isk isk

wat? wat house? wat kunci?
eh saya tak log kan lagi dlm blog eh
yeah im soooOOOooo bloody lazy
nk membebel kat blog pun malas

to cut a long story short
yes me and ina inot beli umah-apartment oklaa
opposite each other just because we have diferent view preference hehhe
me the swimming pool and the park feewit feewit
ina inot the so called golf course greens (psst: skarng nmapak batang constrcution je) heehhehe

anyways to cut it shorter, saya tgh menunggu hari je utk pindah well in my case i have to wait for the keys isk isk

tapi tapi tapi
ader satu lagi mende yg menyedihkan
all, yes all my allocated moneys for new stuffs, kiitchen cabinet, bigger fridge for the new house dah habis!!!!
i know
well it was targeted last year so by last year jugakla allocation dihabiskan
ntah ape ntah i spent it on o_O
im soo bad i know
but lucky for me (so lucky), i already have most of the essential furniture
tapi tapi tapiii
buat sementara ni takde la kitchen cabinet isk isk
dapur baru for now nampaknye have to stay in the box
banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaknye nk pakai duit masuk umah baru T______T

well, an open house will also definitely not be that soon
i told ina inot tak boleh buat sampai umah i cantik sikit heheheh
tak aci la kan, org masauk umah my sister cakap wow lawanye, then menyeberang pegi my unit cakap.. okla tapi kesian takde ktchen cabinet lagi isk isk

ok im stumped
suddenly don't know what to write
maybe later later la

ive got so many series to cover, dah ketinggalan banayk dah ni
gossip girl, heroes, 90210, true blood heheheh
well 2 weeks without my HDD perasaan dia sangat mendebarkan ok
what if they drop my HDD or it got infected, well cant think iof it much, nanti tak boleh share ngan orang

maybe i need to buy a separate HDD
one for WORK, BACKUP and one for ENTERTAINMENT
ok that cost more money
now buy only what you need
ceewah! easy said than done especially for antusemut *sigh*

gotta go
cau cincau

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

im annoying but in a good way

yes, my boss said im the annoying type but in a good way
how how is that a good thing or wat?? T______T

i posted the status in facebook and this is the response i got:

Hanna Isfahani at 12:09pm March 11
how about good in an annoying way?haha

Azlan Rushly at 12:38pm March 11
sure ke? bukan good at annoying?

Faridah Ahmad at 12:41pm March 11
standard managers remark...:P

Ruhaifi Johari at 12:54pm March 11
bunyi pelik gak. die suke cara kau kot hahaha

well i guess i am/can be that annoying :p

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

guess what.
im still in the ofis *sigh*

memang banayk keje
tapi oleh kerana disebabkan ceewah is coming over and will be belanja-ing me and ira dinner, so kena tunggu la jugak
and some more its not until 8pm..

tapi sadis part is i forgot to inform opah that i wont be having dinner at home
and since ira is staying over sampai kakak dia balik, opah sudah masak mcm2, ayam masak merah, ikan masak kicap, sayur kacang dan tak ingat apa lagi isk isk

soo sebgai cucu yg baik walaupun telah mungkin menkecikkan hati opahku, i will only have drinks and akan makan bile balik umah nanti...

demmm ceewah baru call. he's stuck at masjid jamek. lrt full!
reena bebeh did call like an hour ago telling me to take a different route instead of tun razak. maassive jam. ader banjir tak sure kt mana but can only see bumbung reti O_o horror ok

i still got some work to do but malas tahap maximum
so apekah yg perlu saya lakukan skarang sememntara menunggu ira dan ceewah
ader rase nk raincheck je
but then again tataula pulak bile lagi nk jumpa ceewah kann adeiiiii

hmmm i think i haf never mentioned about tamteh before kan
he's ok silap she's our other cat besides charlie and hiro.
a few months back ader org tinggalkan dia near our place
we started feeding her (but outside) and she's been around eversince
nak jadikan citer
since she's seems to be the only kucing betina, banayk oooo jejaka yg berminat that includes charlie and hiro
tapi dia sangat ganas
kecik tapi garang okay
tapi akhirnya dia tewas and termengandung
and just gave birth to two kittens last week. satu je hidup and we call her/him TJ (Tamteh Junior). ina inot memang byk idea pasal nama kucing ni heheh

anyways (byk betul anywyas aku arinih kan)
last Sunday, TJ went missing for nearly 24hours!!!!
well we prepared some boxes outside for Tamteh and TJ
tapi jengkadang we 'll bring TJ in utk bermain2 dengan
where Tamteh slalu sibuk nk amik anak dia balik
so mase TJ hilang we were like thinkging musti Tamteh nyorok or mungkinkah kcuing jantan lain telah makan TJ.. oh tidakkk
well to tell the turth i juuuuuuuuust saw TJ sebelum dia hilang. then i went upstairs utk sambung tidur. it wa around 11am baru lepas tgk tv and ina pulak baru bangun, tetiba ina inot naik cakap TJ hilang terus tak jadi tidur...

setelah hampir 24jam, TJ telah erjaya dujumpai
can u believe it
i cant either!!
sungguh tidak dipercayai
hujan lebat gile ok malam semalamanye
so we kinda given up hope
some more si tamteh gilee tu langsung tak ingatkan anak dia pun
because we took her inside mase sedar TJ hilang and dia sibuk main je, even triued to shoo her outside manela tau dia nk gi susukan anak ke tapi dia buat bodo je. memang nk kena duku.

apparently Tamteh took jhim to our neighbours hour naik bilik atas okayyyyy!! bilik si budak ibrahim and the bibik jumpa and i guess my opah had told kot kucing hilang tak sure laa
yg penting TJ is back

so now both of them are inside
pagi tadi hampir dapat skali lagi scare sebab TJ was not in the box!!!
again tamteh bengiong tu telah sorookkan anak dia
susah o nk carik but the good thing they're inside the house

ok sorry boring story
but i need to keep this as a record.
nanti dah tua2 baca mungkin gelakj teringatkan tamteh gile tu heheh

ye i somehow hav a soft spot for tamteh
manja tapi garang
kalau balik keja musti akan dtg sambut, teringat kat boboi isk isk
tapi yg paling penting nak kena mintak tolong leman and opah potty train hhehehhe

ok nite nite ppl
maybe boleh turun kot skarang
cau cincau

Thursday, February 26, 2009

mata saya tgh bengkak :(
baru lepas nangis. dh berhenti but hati still menangis T_______________T

sgt memalukan
my boss was around mase emosi saya tgh tak stabil tadi
siap suara crack okay
i cant believe i was betrayed by my ownslef
dah lama tak nangis kat ofis
if u must know, last was like 6-7 years ago mase mula2 masuk keja
my (ex) boss buli
but how bad he is or people say he is, i still look up to him.
banyak belajar and opportunity given :))

the reason of all this depressing matters is that
i just took my sisters letter offer
and she was offered quite a high pay
more than what im gettting now!!! T_________________T
although not in the same company but still......
isk isk isk

no dont get me wrong
saya langsung tak jeles
its just that im so pitiful of my ownself
i don't think my bloody company is appreciating me enough
but then again
its not just me, kawan2 saya juga
so who am i to complain isk isk nangis skali algi T_____________T

ok malas dah nk cakap pasal ni (saya tipu)
biarla diri ini melayan perasan sendiri (saya tipu lagi)

ok ive cheered up abit after talking to jeslyn and jagat about some other matters :))

anyways mase tgh emosi tadi my boss gave me some motivation
he was there mase at that time
and i was ranting to him heheh
tapi watever he told telah masuk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan
didnt mean to isk isk
but i always remember another set of words of his: " rezeki orang masing2..."

so skarang that statement is currently on repeat mode

" rezeki orang masing2..."
" rezeki orang masing2..."
" rezeki orang masing2..."
" rezeki orang masing2..."
" rezeki orang masing2..."
" rezeki orang masing2..."
" rezeki orang masing2..."
" rezeki orang masing2..."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

its 145 in the morning.
and im still wide awake.
saya perlu tidur.
esok perlu bagun pagi utk pergi kerja awal <-- ok ini statement agak menipu heheh
but stilllllllllllll..

masih tidak mengantuk
eh tetiba menguap pulak
there's hope

there goes another yawn
and another

guess its now time to sleep

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

haf u seen slumdog millionaire?

im sorry but i didnt watch the oscars yesterday
not that i missed the re-runs (pagi keje ma) but simply chose not to
malas-lah, ok thats a bit an understatement
tak teringin langsung actually

but what we did watch was


i thinks its a fantastic movie and deserve the win.

its not the same with your friend telling how the story goes walaupun anda ader berperasaan "i don't think i'lll be watching this movie"

seriusly sila tgk
i'm giving it 5 stars out of five
takdela best gile melambung
but i still think it deserves a 5 star
why? sebab ader amitahb bachan.. heheh
tengok sendirila

ok nk makan dah
cau cincau

//added: this is my fav slumdog: youngest jamal

//did u know that both youngest latika and youngest salim were actually picked from the slum. they're good considering they've never acted before!! I do hope the trust fund thing is true...

//oops.. i might be a bit biased on the star rating since im also a fan of hindi movies, buuuut i dont think so. i still think its a fantastic movie :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

its just 545pm but it feels like its already 7pm!!
u bet im having monday blues isk isk
i arrived a bit late this morning, so i cant go back sharp at 5 today can i..
heheh hari ni confirm ader one of my screws loose :P

m nor just called ajak happy hour. i think ill pass la today..
arinih nk balik awal la.. nak balik umah terus..

arinih ader rase nk main guitar.. guitar hero la tapinye heheh
yes we now have one at home.ina inot bought for leman's birthday.
we wanted to buy another guitar smlm tapi mahal gile RM280 for just the guitar isk isk forget it. main gilir2 je la. nanti dah terer and cukup duit baru boleh consider nk belil rockband eh :P

okay time to go.
im still to lazy to blog about the trips.
oh last last week we even went to sg congkak for aishah's so called hen night
jauuhhhhhhh gileeee from kota damansara but not bad, syok!
the river is just like 2 steps away from our picnic place.
tapi esok2 la i give the details ok.
have a great week ahead.

cau cincau!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dear Abang Mahzin..

p/s: sorry nana i really still owe you a letter :P
pp/s: ceewah aku dah ader new hdd. bile nk swap movies!!
ppp/s: guys, i'm on mc today :( so i got time.. wish me well please


Dear Abang mahzin (if this is really you),

wahh saya sgt terkejut. first and foremost how on earth did you manage to find antusemuts blog?

the last i heard from you was when i was in utp and u were concerned about kak nor.. dekat 10 tahun dah tu and wow i cant believe i still remembered that!!! heheh

so berapa anak dah???? banyak tahun dah ni...
abang rahim (i think he's ur senior) pun dah ader satu or expecting.. dah lupa

keje kat mana?
duduk kat mana?
anak besar mana?

iye saya masih single mingle.. demm did i just said that in public.
i'm not always sappy u know, cuma sejak dua menjak ni.. it could be because of the month february? my dad is remarrying soon, insyaAllah? ataupun just plain gile hehhehe


for all i know
saya gembira bersama keluarga dan kawan2 tersayang..cewahhhh

btw did u know that i like computers now??
orang yg sgt nervous bile kelas computer, skarang dah tak berapa nervous heeheh

ok it seems that im having some kind of a writers block.. isk isk..
don't u have facebook? even kak azra, kak bree pun ader.. basically itu dua senior je yg i found and know :P

orait la
till then
cau cincau

Thursday, February 05, 2009

"It's nice to have a man who can calm me down.."
- Molly, The Starter's Wife S2E6

ok anyone who is zen enough and can calm me down and rich well established, pls call me, let's go on a date, confirm u'll love me, then we can get married and will live happily ever after with 3 kids...


it must be 'the' month i tell you
isk isk isk. just ignore me.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

i'm feeling soppy dah beberapa hari ini.
but today, i mean now, i'm mad.


ok nampak gaya kena sambung tgk starters wife sebab rainy tak kasik org kebanyakan baca blog dia T___T and some more my downlaods of romantic comedy movies tak abis lagi isk isk

hmmm ader rase mcm nk download mannequin je
sape pernah dgr and tgk citer ni sila angkat tangan
bagus maknanye kita satu zaman hehehh

like i said im feeling soppy :P

cau cincau

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

happy new year!

haf i wished everyone? blom? isk isk tak ingatlaaaa
yes frens im getting older T____T but not until june lah
hehhe finally dapat gune jugak this thing here T___T i do hope u guys knows wat it means. kalau tatau then what can i say, u are so tech behindlaa heheheh

sheet 1 minit to 5pm
nk baaaalikkkk
dh la hujan nii so must go now
although got tons of things to say
i'll just have to save it for later

note to blog whenever rajin:
1. bali trip
2. my soppiness
3. my dad's bakal u know....
4. ...... demm thats all i can think of. nothing interesting but i gotta blog so that my grandchildren can read in the future

yes ladies and gentlemen, besides lebih merapu saya sudah menjadik sagt soppy T___T

gotta go
cau cincau

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

sila baca utk kesedaran sivik


read this please. the last paragraph.
i got hit hard.
terasa very very hard.
sakit doh..

isk isk
