ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk..
another 20minits before the clock strikes 5pm! :))
aaarghhhh thers something wrong wif my testing PC.. aaarghhhh... i need more RAM... i wish i could install this vmware thingee on my notebook... tapi lagi hampehh.. dah la one key dah tercabut.. isk iskk... only noticed this morning.. the last time i was using it was last Saturday..and everything seems to be intact.. isk isk iskk... now it is very the ugly one..
i need a break.. so thats why im blogging kejap (excuseesss..:P) .. plus it keeps me away from
blogshares! heeshhh.. that game is soooOOOoo addicitve... i hope nobody is actually near me when im checking my shares especially when it goes down or when i made a bad buy... " eeeeee abis duit aku!!!!" or "aaaaaaarghhh tak cukup duitt" is what they are expected to hear.. hehehheheh..
hmmmm.. i am suddenly bored with this layout (thanks to nixk who tagged saying (excerpt)"masih hijau lagi nampaknye" cett!).. and some more cybertarp is closing its free image hosting service
:( check out the big empty space on the upper left corner.. i'll try to come up with a new template hopefully by next week since im on leave semingguuu... yahoooOOOoo.. no work no work no work
:))until i get 'the' one week of break.. for the moment everything seems to be
mandom - gloomyy and boring...
wait!! im not finished wif my rambling..
last weekend i finally finished the much talked about
Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown book.. welllll... i kinda like it at first, fast and intriguing.. and some more reminds me of
treasur hunting i.e. clues, breaking the codes.. but in the end.. i can only manage a weak "chehhhh.." hmm
dot was also reading it but by the time i got a book of my own, she has yet to finish it.. nanti i'll ask her what she thinks..
but i kinda can go for Dan Brown's style of writing.. yeah i might consider his other books..
somehow this book reminds me of a book by
Mario Puzo - The Family... this one i tell you.. lagi dasyatttt.. verrryyyyy sinful... o_O oh but this book has nothing to do with code breaking and not much on Mafiarism.. i mean not what i was expecting (read: Godfather-like, The Sicilian-like, Omerta-like)
okayy.. i better stop.. i cant seem to think properly..
till then
cau cincau