Monday, August 02, 2004

welcome back rudy :)


im hafing a headache...

and plus i think im going crazyyyyy for no particular reason..

anyways, last weekend, me and dot managed to burn a pretty big hole in our wallet(s).. hehhehehehheh.. though we are saving for our shopping trip which is in about 2 weeks time, our itchy hands and nafsu took over us and forced us to pay for a lot of unnecessary stuffs... *sigh*

now as for me, instead of hafing a luxurious month this month (extra cash), now im back to being broke.. and its only the start of the month.. yong ape nak jadik nih????!!!!!

and it does not stop there.. now im hooked with this new site/game or watever you wanna call it:

BlogShares - Fantasy Blog Share Market

yup.. hehhe i think i very like like these fantasy kinda games.. the only drawback that i can see is that we dont actually get to taste the real profit/wins when we do good/win.. hehheh..

as for this game, now i cant seem to stop buying and checking for updates (yes im a bit pathetic).. dahla blogshare cash tak cukup.. (sikit!) hehehhe.. and then again.. im still a newbie.. ceewahh :P

why not try it for yourself..

i gtg..

till then

cau cincau

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