Thursday, September 02, 2004

my tummy is growling like crazyyyyyyyyyy.. iye saya PUASA GANTI.. *sigh* every year i vowed to ganti my puasa cepat cepat tapi still no improvement.. like this laa.. when its nearing fasting month barula panik and so-called 'sedar diri'..

aduuuUUUss perutku..

i cant concentrate on work at the moment.. so i mite as well do some blogging..

hmmm how was ur merdeka? welllll... yup u can categorise me in those ignorant malaysians... i woke up slightly after the strike of midnite and continued sleeping... hheheheh.. even my parents and dot were berkobar kobar to join in the celebration but unfortunately they still missed the fireworks from KLCC.. im not sure whether they missed it or its 'unviewable' from the hotel we're staying... whatever it is, i still missed the whole countdown thingee...

I am proud to be a MALAYSIAN..

i'll figure a way on how to express this later later... in the plann...

in the meantime..


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