esok balik kg yeay yeay
*sigh* sangat penat dan sangat fening...
jus got back from an early lunch heheheheh..was actually in the clinic when a freind sms-ed ajak lunch skali since she's alone..checkin the time 1130 sumthin am, masih boleh terus gi lunch nih... besides mase tu berjuta juta owang masih tgh tunggu turnn..
i even nearly dozed off, the kerusi was comfy i tell you, and i was practically slouchin before a well-known member of our company came by and instead of just accepting my smile (a big one) she had to come over and 'handshaked' me..aisehhhhh... such a nice ladyy..too bad it was her last day today.. so i was told laa..
anyway the story here that i'll like to story is that.. my cough yg berkahak and the flu i got nih is playing games wif me..marah betul aku..IT HAS BEEN FOUR the time i went in to see the doctor, its as if i'm very the repetitious coughing, normal voice and i can breathe loud and clear... but by the time we said goodbyes (me to the doctor) just as i stepped out of the room, i coughed vigorously..mannnnn..slalu cenggituuu kan... i think the germs are afraid of the doctor and nurses and thats why they're hiding..chehhhh...
okayla i gtg sakit perut, tadi when i came up from lunch, a mug of tea (regular sized A&W mug hehehe) was alreadi prepared for me by a very nice colleague.. jap let me check the uncang.. its Peach & Passion fruit flavored black tea by Ahamd Tea.. i like very the muchh..veryyyy nice smell... but wat does it got to do wif my sakit perut you may ask.. ntahla..the tea la kot.. hehhehe
oh oh and to muslim frens, selamat hari raya n me siblings are going balik kampung tomorrow..and i do hope i remember to puasa tomorrow :))
cau cincau
psst: uhuk uhuk..i think i ter'sedekah' my moneylaaa to whom only god knows....uwaaaAAaa baru je keluarkan niat was to do some shopping during lunch.. pastu tetiba timbul kesedaran..heheh.. but now money takde baju baru pun takdeeee.. :( okayla2 actually sempat la beli sebarang dua..heheh but not using that moneyy..uwaaAAAaaa.. i guess it must haf tercicir mase i paid my lunch tadiii... oih well takde rezekii..yg ader tinggal bau duit baru tu jee..
okeh happy holidays everyone..
cau cincau again...